11k2Classifying letters as vowels or consonants and counting their frequenciesPython / assertions, comprehension, dict, dictionaries, dict_comp, python, python2, tuple, unpack / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
8k2Put Peewee ORM data to PDF with xtopdfPython / conversion, converter, database, formats, orm, pdf, pdf_generation, peewee, python, python2, sqlite, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
6k1Python2 keyword-only argument emulation as a decorator. Python3 compatible.Python / args, arguments, keyword, keyword_only, kwonly, only, python2 / by István Pásztor (8 years ago, revision 4)
9k1Computing simple list functions recursivelyPython / algorithm, algorithms, lists, python, python2, recursion, recursive / by Vasudev Ram (8 years ago)
10k1Python-controlled Unix pipeline to generate PDFPython / linux, pdf, pdf_generation, pipe, pipelining, python, python2, unix / by Vasudev Ram (8 years ago)
56k1Recognizing speech (speech-to-text) with the Python speech modulePython / language_translation, python, python2, speech_recognition, windows / by Vasudev Ram (8 years ago)
29k1Converting numeric strings to integersPython / formats, numbers, numerical, python, python2, representation / by Vasudev Ram (8 years ago)
7k1Decorator for defining functions with keyword-only argumentsPython / arguments, decorator, decorators, keyword, metadecorator, positional, python2, python3 / by Oscar Byrne (8 years ago, revision 2)