7k1Libreenect (OpenKinect) Minimum Value Joystick With Display - Kinect Demo Using OpenKinect SDKPython / 3d, computer_vision, depth, joystick, kinect, libfreenect, numpy, opencv, programming, pygame, python, virtual_joystick / by Alexander James Wallar (12 years ago, revision 3)
6k1A fast & memory-wise prime number generator up to NPython / fast, numpy, primes, prime_generator, prime_number, python / by robert.william.hanks (13 years ago)
10k1Incremental PCAPython / incremental, klt, learning, numpy, pca, scipy, svd, vision / by Micha Kalfon (14 years ago)
9k1Poor man's mgridPython / index, index_tricks, method, mgrid, numerical, numerical_methods, numpy, scipy, trick / by David Lambert (15 years ago)