25k0OpenKinect Mouse Control Using PythonPython / 3d, computer, computer_vision, depth, hand_tracking, kinect, mouse, opencv, openkinect, python, tracking, vision / by Alexander James Wallar (12 years ago, revision 2)
7k1Libreenect (OpenKinect) Minimum Value Joystick With Display - Kinect Demo Using OpenKinect SDKPython / 3d, computer_vision, depth, joystick, kinect, libfreenect, numpy, opencv, programming, pygame, python, virtual_joystick / by Alexander James Wallar (12 years ago, revision 3)
7k2Simple graph algorithms with a modular designPython / algorithms, breadth, depth, directed, first, graph, object, oriented, python, search, theory, undirected, visit / by jimmy2times (13 years ago, revision 7)