7k2Sortable megawidget in tkinter (like the sortable widget in jquery UI) or draggable listPython / draggable, list, megawidget, sortable, tkinter / by Miguel MartÃnez López (7 years ago, revision 13)
9k2Geocoding Lists via Google MapsPython / batch, coordinates, geocode, geocoding, google, google_maps, lat, latitude, list, list_comprehension, lng, longitude, map, web / by Mano Bastardo (11 years ago, revision 2)
21k1List comparison, difference and more using set & frozensetPython / compare, contain, difference, lambda, list, remove, set, union / by Scott S-Allen (11 years ago)
6k1Evolutionary Algorithm (Generation of Prime Numbers)Python / algorithm, example, genetic, genetic_algorithm, genetic_algorithms, list, number, of, prime, primelist, primes, theory / by Alexander James Wallar (12 years ago)
26k1Random Binary ListPython / base, binary, list, math, numbers, python, random, random_binary_list / by Alexander James Wallar (12 years ago)