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11kviews2[xtopdf] Publish Delimiter-Separated Values (DSV data) to PDFscorePython / commandline, csv, data, files, formats, pdf, pdf_generation, python, tsv, utilities, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
10kviews2Convert wildcard text files to PDF with xtopdf (e.g. report*.txt)scorePython / conversion, files, globbing, patterns, pdf, pdfwriter, pdf_generation, text_processing, wildcard, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
13kviews2Batch conversion of text files to PDF with fileinput and xtopdfscorePython / batch, batchmode, conversion, files, pdf, pdfwriter, python, text, text_processing, utilities, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
16kviews2Read CSV with D and write it to PDF with PythonscorePython / conversion, csv, data, files, formats, pdf, pdf_generation, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
8kviews2Put Peewee ORM data to PDF with xtopdfscorePython / conversion, converter, database, formats, orm, pdf, pdf_generation, peewee, python, python2, sqlite, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
9kviews2Generate a PDF cheat sheet for converting 0 to 255 between bin / oct / dec / hexscorePython / binary, conversion, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, pdfwriter, pdf_generation, python, utility, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
9kviews1Create PDF control break reports with itertools.groupby and xtopdfscorePython / control, database, grouping, iterators, pdf, pdfwriter, pdf_generation, python, reportgeneration, reporting, sql, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
10kviews1Python-controlled Unix pipeline to generate PDFscorePython / linux, pdf, pdf_generation, pipe, pipelining, python, python2, unix / by Vasudev Ram (8 years ago)
13kviews1Publish databases to PDF with PyDAL (a Python DB library) and xtopdfscorePython / database, pdf, pydal, python, python_developer_tools, sql, web2py, xtopdf / by Vasudev Ram (9 years ago)