53k13Bloom FilterPython / big_table, bloom_filter, sets, spelling_checker, spell_checker / by Raymond Hettinger (12 years ago, revision 18)
35k11Dirt simple map/reducePython / analysis, crosstab, functional, map_reduce, pivot_table, statistics / by Raymond Hettinger (12 years ago, revision 9)
231k9How to use super() effectively -- Python 2.7 versionPython / cooperative, inheritance, multiple, next_in_mro, super / by Raymond Hettinger (12 years ago, revision 8)
46k7How to use super() effectivelyPython / cooperative, inheritance, multiple, next_in_mro, super / by Raymond Hettinger (12 years ago, revision 8)
23k7Total ordering class decoratorPython / no tags / by Raymond Hettinger (13 years ago, revision 11)