5kviews2Decoupled Proxy of a State Bearing Object in a Multiprocessing EnvironmentscorePython / access, multiprocessing, process, processing, subprocess, synchronization, syncmanager, threading, __getattribute__ / by Mateyuzo (14 years ago, revision 2)
26kviews2An Erlang Port in PythonscorePython / distributed, erlang, integration, process / by thanos vassilakis (14 years ago, revision 3)
8kviews1Monitor Progress of File Descriptors of Another ProcessscorePython / file_descriptor, monitor, prediction, proc, process, progress, watch / by Alfe (9 years ago)
18kviews1fcntl.flock() (Unix file lock) behaviour sampling scriptscorePython / file, file_descriptor, file_lock, flock, process, thread / by Jan Kaliszewski (13 years ago, revision 3)
24kviews1Multiprocess-safe logging file-handler + interprocess RLockscorePython / concurrency, file, file_lock, flock, handler, logging, process, rlock, threading, threadsafe / by Jan Kaliszewski (13 years ago, revision 11)
24kviews0Timeout Any FunctionscorePython / asynchronous, generic, process, timeout, universal_code / by Stephen Chappell (14 years ago, revision 6)