38kviews2Implementing class-based callbacks in PythonscorePython / callbacks, classes, functions, methods, objects, programming, python / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
51kviews2Classifying characters using nested conditional expressionsscorePython / characters, classification, conditional_expressions, expressions, join, lambda, map / by Vasudev Ram (6 years ago)
9kviews2Show OS error codes and messages from the os.errno modulescorePython / commandline, introspection, libraries, python, unix, utilities, windows / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
11kviews3Easily create a Python REPL in PythonscorePython / code_module, dynamic, evaluation, read_eval_print_loop, repl / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
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