Tags: meta:min_python_2=4 x
6k1Python2 keyword-only argument emulation as a decorator. Python3 compatible.Python / args, arguments, keyword, keyword_only, kwonly, only, python2 / by István Pásztor (8 years ago, revision 4)
8k1Optional arguments decoratorPython / class_decorator, decorator, decorators, python / by Maxime H Lapointe (11 years ago, revision 2)
21k1List comparison, difference and more using set & frozensetPython / compare, contain, difference, lambda, list, remove, set, union / by Scott S-Allen (11 years ago)
4k-2Create replica of the existing directory structure with only specified extension files.Python / bioinformatics, biology, directory, fileextensions, replica / by Achal Rastogi (11 years ago, revision 2)