Tags: meta:loc=122 x
231k9How to use super() effectively -- Python 2.7 versionPython / cooperative, inheritance, multiple, next_in_mro, super / by Raymond Hettinger (12 years ago, revision 8)
46k7How to use super() effectivelyPython / cooperative, inheritance, multiple, next_in_mro, super / by Raymond Hettinger (12 years ago, revision 8)
5k2Decoupled Proxy of a State Bearing Object in a Multiprocessing EnvironmentPython / access, multiprocessing, process, processing, subprocess, synchronization, syncmanager, threading, __getattribute__ / by Mateyuzo (14 years ago, revision 2)
9k3argdeclare: declarative interface to argparsePython / argparse, cmdln, commandline, getopt, metaclass, option / by Shakeeb Alireza (14 years ago, revision 5)
11k2Evolution optimization strategyPython / ai, evolution, evolution_strategy, gene, genetic_algorithm, np_complete, optimization / by Agnius Vasiliauskas (15 years ago, revision 6)