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20kviews9A DEMO to show how to write text into the Python terminal Title Bar...scorePython / apple, bar, cygwin, demo, linux, macbook_pro, title, title_bar / by Barry Walker (10 years ago)
20kviews1Tailing a live log file with Python.scorePython / no tags / by Gustavo Cordova (11 years ago)
10kviews1A Shell, Binary To Hexadecimal To Decimal Demo...scoreBash / apple, bash, binary, decimal, demo, hexadecimal, linux, macbook_pro, shell, terminal / by Barry Walker (11 years ago)
9kviews3A DEMO To Show How To Expand A Standard Python Terminal On The Fly...scorePython / apple, campimeter, demo, linux, macbook_pro, size, terminal, window / by Barry Walker (11 years ago)
7kviews1Simple Bash Text Mode Sine Curve Generator.scoreBash / apple, bash, cygwin, graph, linux, macbook_pro, text / by Barry Walker (9 years ago, revision 2)
7kviews2A simple raw hexdumper.scorePython / amiga, apple, fs_uae, hex, hexdump, linux, macbook_pro, raw_hexdump, unix, windows, winuae / by Barry Walker (7 years ago)
7kviews1A Building Block, Bash Binary File Manipulation...scoreBash / apple, bash, binary, linux, macbook_pro, script, shell / by Barry Walker (11 years ago, revision 2)