5k2A white noise generator to sooth baby to sleep.Bash / alarm, apple, audio, baby_alarm, cygwin, linux, noise, sleep, sound, whitenoise / by Barry Walker (6 years ago)
4k1A Fun Perfect Square Checker Using Integer Arithmetic Only... ;o)Bash / arithmetic, bash, check, checker, cygwin, macbook_pro, math, mathematics, perfect, root, square / by Barry Walker (9 years ago)
7k1Simple Bash Text Mode Sine Curve Generator.Bash / apple, bash, cygwin, graph, linux, macbook_pro, text / by Barry Walker (9 years ago, revision 2)
20k9A DEMO to show how to write text into the Python terminal Title Bar...Python / apple, bar, cygwin, demo, linux, macbook_pro, title, title_bar / by Barry Walker (10 years ago)