12kviews2Two quick functions for object introspectionscorePython / attributes, debugging, functions, introspection, methods, objects, reflection / by Vasudev Ram (7 years ago)
4kviews1Find what class an attribute - ie, myObj.myAttr - comes from, and how it's definedscorePython / attribute, attributes, class, debugging, inspection, source, __dict__, __getattribute__, __getattr__, __slots__ / by Paul Molodowitch (11 years ago, revision 3)
21kviews2Trace decorator for debuggingscorePython / classes, debug, debugging, decorators, functions, inspection, modules, trace / by Kevin L. Sitze (13 years ago, revision 2)
32kviews1LoggingWebMonitor - a central logging server and monitor.scorePython / client_server, debugging, distributed, logging, remote, sysadmin, web / by Gabriel Genellina (14 years ago, revision 3)
14kviews3Use DebugView utility with standard python loggingscorePython / debugging, debugview, logging, sysinternals, windows / by Christopher Prinos (14 years ago)
9kviews-2Easy Exception, Error Handling and Debugging with Auto LoggingscorePython / debug, debugging, error_propagation, exception, logging / by AJ. Mayorga (14 years ago, revision 5)