# Author: Miguel Martinez Lopez import re try: from Tkinter import StringVar, Entry, Frame, Listbox from ttk import Scrollbar from Tkconstants import * except ImportError: from tkinter import StringVar, Entry, Frame, Listbox from tkinter.ttk import Scrollbar from tkinter.constants import * def autoscroll(sbar, first, last): """Hide and show scrollbar as needed.""" first, last = float(first), float(last) if first <= 0 and last >= 1: sbar.grid_remove() else: sbar.grid() sbar.set(first, last) class Combobox_Autocomplete(Entry): def __init__(self, master, list_of_items=None, complete_function=None, listbox_length=7, ignorecase_match=False, startswith_match=True, vscrollbar=True, hscrollbar=True, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "complete_function"): if complete_function is not None: raise ValueError("Combobox_Autocomplete subclass has 'complete_function' implemented") else: if complete_function is not None: self.complete_function = complete_function else: if list_of_items is None: raise ValueError("If not guiven complete function, list_of_items can't be 'None'") if ignorecase_match: if startswith_match: def matches_function(entry_data, item): return item.startswith(entry_data) else: def matches_function(entry_data, item): return item in entry_data self.complete_function = lambda entry_data: [item for item in self.list_of_items if matches_function(entry_data, item)] else: if startswith_match: def matches_function(escaped_entry_data, item): if re.match(escaped_entry_data, item, re.IGNORECASE): return True else: return False else: def matches_function(escaped_entry_data, item): if re.search(escaped_entry_data, item, re.IGNORECASE): return True else: return False def complete_function(entry_data): escaped_entry_data = re.escape(entry_data) return [item for item in self.list_of_items if matches_function(escaped_entry_data, item)] self.complete_function = complete_function self.listbox_length = int(listbox_length) self.list_of_items = list_of_items self._use_vscrollbar = vscrollbar self._use_hscrollbar = hscrollbar kwargs.setdefault("background", "white") if "textvariable" in kwargs: self._entry_var = kwargs["textvariable"] else: self._entry_var = kwargs["textvariable"] = StringVar() Entry.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) self._entry_var.trace('w', self._on_change_entry_var) self.listbox = None self.bind("<Up>", self._on_move_up) self.bind("<Down>", self._on_move_down) self.bind("<Return>", self._update_entry_from_listbox) self.bind("<Escape>", lambda event: self.close_listbox()) def _on_change_entry_var(self, name, index, mode): if self._entry_var.get() == '': self.close_listbox() else: entry_data = self._entry_var.get() values = self.complete_function(entry_data) if values: if self.listbox is None: listbox_frame = Frame() self.listbox = Listbox(listbox_frame, background="white", selectmode=SINGLE, activestyle="none", exportselection=False) self.listbox.grid(row=0, column=0,sticky = N+E+W+S) self.listbox.bind("<Button-1>", self._update_entry_from_listbox) self.listbox.bind("<Return>", self._update_entry_from_listbox) self.listbox.bind("<Escape>", lambda event: self.close_listbox()) if self._use_vscrollbar: vbar = Scrollbar(listbox_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command= self.listbox.yview) vbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+S) self.listbox.configure(yscrollcommand= lambda f, l: autoscroll(vbar, f, l)) if self._use_hscrollbar: hbar = Scrollbar(listbox_frame, orient=HORIZONTAL, command= self.listbox.xview) hbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.listbox.configure(xscrollcommand= lambda f, l: autoscroll(hbar, f, l)) listbox_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight= 1) listbox_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight= 1) listbox_frame.place(x=self.winfo_x(), y=self.winfo_y() + self.winfo_height(), width=self.winfo_width()) else: self.listbox.delete(0, END) height = min(self.listbox_length, len(values)) self.listbox.configure(height=height) for item in values: self.listbox.insert(END, item) else: self.close_listbox() def close_listbox(self): if self.listbox is not None: self.listbox.master.destroy() self.listbox = None self.focus() def _update_entry_from_listbox(self, event): if self.listbox is not None: self._entry_var.set(self.listbox.get(ACTIVE)) self.listbox.master.destroy() self.listbox = None self.icursor(END) def _on_move_up(self, event): if self.listbox is not None: current_selection = self.listbox.curselection() if len(current_selection)==0: self.listbox.selection_set(0) self.listbox.activate(0) else: index = int(current_selection[0]) self.listbox.selection_clear(first=index) if index == 0: index = END else: index -= 1 self.listbox.see(index) self.listbox.selection_set(first=index) self.listbox.activate(index) def _on_move_down(self, event): if self.listbox is not None: current_selection = self.listbox.curselection() if len(current_selection)==0: self.listbox.selection_set(0) self.listbox.activate(0) else: index = int(current_selection[0]) self.listbox.selection_clear(index) if index == self.listbox.size() - 1: index = 0 else: index +=1 self.listbox.see(index) self.listbox.selection_set(first=index) self.listbox.activate(index) if __name__ == '__main__': try: from Tkinter import Tk except ImportError: from tkinter import Tk list_of_items = ["Cordell Cannata", "Lacey Naples", "Zachery Manigault", "Regan Brunt", "Mario Hilgefort", "Austin Phong", "Moises Saum", "Willy Neill", "Rosendo Sokoloff", "Salley Christenberry", "Toby Schneller", "Angel Buchwald", "Nestor Criger", "Arie Jozwiak", "Nita Montelongo", "Clemencia Okane", "Alison Scaggs", "Von Petrella", "Glennie Gurley", "Jamar Callender", "Titus Wenrich", "Chadwick Liedtke", "Sharlene Yochum", "Leonida Mutchler", "Duane Pickett", "Morton Brackins", "Ervin Trundy", "Antony Orwig", "Audrea Yutzy", "Michal Hepp", "Annelle Hoadley", "Hank Wyman", "Mika Fernandez", "Elisa Legendre", "Sade Nicolson", "Jessie Yi", "Forrest Mooneyhan", "Alvin Widell", "Lizette Ruppe", "Marguerita Pilarski", "Merna Argento", "Jess Daquila", "Breann Bevans", "Melvin Guidry", "Jacelyn Vanleer", "Jerome Riendeau", "Iraida Nyquist", "Micah Glantz", "Dorene Waldrip", "Fidel Garey", "Vertie Deady", "Rosalinda Odegaard", "Chong Hayner", "Candida Palazzolo", "Bennie Faison", "Nova Bunkley", "Francis Buckwalter", "Georgianne Espinal", "Karleen Dockins", "Hertha Lucus", "Ike Alberty", "Deangelo Revelle", "Juli Gallup", "Wendie Eisner", "Khalilah Travers", "Rex Outman", "Anabel King", "Lorelei Tardiff", "Pablo Berkey", "Mariel Tutino", "Leigh Marciano", "Ok Nadeau", "Zachary Antrim", "Chun Matthew", "Golden Keniston", "Anthony Johson", "Rossana Ahlstrom", "Amado Schluter", "Delila Lovelady", "Josef Belle", "Leif Negrete", "Alec Doss", "Darryl Stryker", "Michael Cagley", "Sabina Alejo", "Delana Mewborn", "Aurelio Crouch", "Ashlie Shulman", "Danielle Conlan", "Randal Donnell", "Rheba Anzalone", "Lilian Truax", "Weston Quarterman", "Britt Brunt", "Leonie Corbett", "Monika Gamet", "Ingeborg Bello", "Angelique Zhang", "Santiago Thibeau", "Eliseo Helmuth"] root = Tk() root.geometry("300x200") combobox_autocomplete = Combobox_Autocomplete(root, list_of_items) combobox_autocomplete.pack() combobox_autocomplete.focus() root.mainloop()