import sys #this class gets all output directed to stdout(e.g by print statements) #and stderr and redirects it to a user defined function class PrintHook: #out = 1 means stdout will be hooked #out = 0 means stderr will be hooked def __init__(self,out=1): self.func = None##self.func is userdefined function self.origOut = None self.out = out #user defined hook must return three variables #proceed,lineNoMode,newText def TestHook(self,text): f = open('hook_log.txt','a') f.write(text) f.close() return 0,0,text def Start(self,func=None): if self.out: sys.stdout = self self.origOut = sys.__stdout__ else: sys.stderr= self self.origOut = sys.__stderr__ if func: self.func = func else: self.func = self.TestHook #Stop will stop routing of print statements thru this class def Stop(self): self.origOut.flush() if self.out: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ else: sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ self.func = None #override write of stdout def write(self,text): proceed = 1 lineNo = 0 addText = '' if self.func != None: proceed,lineNo,newText = self.func(text) if proceed: if text.split() == []: self.origOut.write(text) else: #if goint to stdout then only add line no file etc #for stderr it is already there if self.out: if lineNo: try: raise "Dummy" except: newText = 'line('+str(sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_lineno)+'):'+newText codeObject = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_code fileName = codeObject.co_filename funcName = codeObject.co_name self.origOut.write('file '+fileName+','+'func '+funcName+':') self.origOut.write(newText) #pass all other methods to __stdout__ so that we don't have to override them def __getattr__(self, name): return self.origOut.__getattr__(name) if __name__ == '__main__': def MyHookOut(text): return 1,1,'Out Hooked:'+text def MyHookErr(text): f = open('hook_log.txt','a') f.write(text) f.close() return 1,1,'Err Hooked:'+text print 'Hook Start' phOut = PrintHook() phOut.Start(MyHookOut) phErr = PrintHook(0) phErr.Start(MyHookErr) print 'Is this working?' print 'It seems so!' phOut.Stop() print 'STDOUT Hook end' compile(',','<string>','exec') phErr.Stop() print 'Hook end'