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#codes are coming..

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 1 2014-12-19 05:24:14
+++ revision 2 2014-12-19 05:25:15
@@ -1,126 +1,1 @@
-by="##Veysel Nantu##"
-bilgi="""            You will earn 50 points if you know a character
-            and you will lose 25 points if your answer is wrong.
-            If you give 5 wrong answers you will lose."""
-kelimeler = ["istihza","kelebek","vardiya","yontmak","klavyem","telefon",
-             "sevgili","kalamar","armonik","meyveli","ispanya","enerjik",
-             "komutan","devirli","kablolu","baharat","erozyon","japonya",
-             "vatikan","kavanoz","sandvic","stadyum","banknot","kokteyl",
-             "izdiham","senfoni","metalik","durulan","palamut","sigorta",
-             "hijyen","patlak","kapalı","kelime","sunucu","abajur","karpuz",
-             "tabiat","zincir","kravat","gözlük","varoluşçuluk","varoş","varsayma",
-             "şaheser","şahitsiz","şahmeran","şahnişin","şadırvan","şahsiyet",
-             "şahıs","flafel",
-             "üçgen","üçlemek","ülkücü","ültimatom","ülser","ümit","üzüntü",
-             "ılgaz","ılıklaşmak","ılıman","ırgalama","ısıölçer","ısırmak",
-             "ısıtıcı"]
-secim = random.choice(kelimeler)
-for i in tablov:
-    for h in i:
-        tablo.append(h)
-print("Our word has {} letters..".format(len(secim)),' '.join(tablo))
-c="""  _________
-  |
-  |"""
-c1="\n  O"
-c2="\n \|/"
-c3="\n  |"
-c4="\n / \ "
-olmazlar="+/ 1234567890*-_?.,"
-while True:
-    if len(depo)==len(secim): #depo uzunlugu kelimenin uzunluguna eşitse
-        print("You won! Word: {} Your score: {}".format(secim,puan))
-        print("Please press 'Enter' for quit..")
-        break
-    if can==0:
-        print("\nYou lose...")
-        sleep(0.9)
-        print ("Your score: {}".format(puan))
-        sleep(0.9)
-        print ("The word that you couldnt answer: {}".format(secim))
-        sleep(0.9)
-        print("Please press 'Enter' for quit..")
-        break
-    x=input("\nPlease enter a letter: ")
-    if 1<len(x):
-        print ("\nYou can enter only 1 letter..")
-        continue
-    if x in olmazlar:
-        print("\nIt's not even a letter!")
-        continue
-    if x in depo:
-        print("You used this letter before!")
-        continue
-    if x in depo1:
-        print("You used this letter before!")
-        continue
-    if x in secim and not x in depo:
-        puan+=50*secim.count(x)
-        print("Letter {} is counted {} times.".format(x,secim.count(x)))
-        sleep(0.7)
-        for sayi, oge in enumerate(secim):
-            if 2 <=secim.count(oge) and x==oge:
-                depo+=x
-                a+=secim.count(oge)
-                if tablo[sayi]=="-": 
-                    tablo[sayi]=x
-                print("In line {} .".format(sayi+1))
-                sleep(0.7)
-            if secim.count(oge)==1 and x==oge:
-                depo+=x
-                a+=secim.count(oge)
-                if tablo[sayi]=="-":
-                    tablo[sayi]=x
-                print("In line{} .".format(sayi+1))
-                sleep(0.7)
-        print("\nWord:",' '.join(tablo))
-        sleep(0.7)
-    else:
-        depo1+=x
-        can-=1
-        puan-=25
-        print("\nThis letter {} not in our word! {} healt left.".format(x,can))
-        sleep(0.7)
-        print("\nWord:",' '.join(tablo))
-        sleep(0.7)
-        if can==4:
-            cson+=str(c)
-            print(cson)
-        if can==3:
-            cson+=str(c1)
-            print(cson)      
-        if can==2:          
-            cson+=str(c2)
-            print(cson)
-        if can==1:
-            cson+=str(c3)
-            print(cson)
-        if can==0:
-            cson+=str(c4)
-            print(cson)
-    input()
-except SyntaxError:
-    pass
+#codes are coming..
