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    monte carlo tool for simple strategy, more generally for use with any
    strategy that I want to back test...

    Engine takes a class instance, derived from a base class wih two methods


import unittest, datetime
import numpy as np
from engine.BackTest import MonteCarloModel, MonteCarloEngine, Simulation 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import randint 

class SimpleHeadTailModel(MonteCarloModel):
      model wager
      previous bet success or not, impact to profit.
    def toss(self):
            1 - win
            -1 - loss
            Each toss determines whether the position is successful or not. This way no need to keep track of a decision
            and an associated variable. Simply do I win or not.
        coin_toss = randint(1,2)
        if coin_toss == 1:
            return 1
            return -1
    def initialise(self, context):
        self.name = 'My Simple Heads And Tails Model'
        # start with 10 USD bet
        self.wager= 100
        self.wager_initial= 100
        self.starting_pot = 1000
        self.previous_value = 1 # default to 1 on first round
        self.simulations = 10    # MC simulation trials        
        self.trials = 100   # subintervals        
        self.r = np.zeros(shape=(self.simulations, self.trials), dtype=float) # matrix to hold all results
        self.pnl = np.zeros(shape=(self.simulations, self.trials), dtype=float) # matrix to hold all results
        # Tell the engine where to associate the data to security.        
        context[self.name] = Simulation(self.simulations, self.trials, self.toss)
        self.fig = plt.figure()
        self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(211)
        self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(212)
    def onsimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):        
        self.r[simulation,0] = 0
        # assume starting pot here
        self.pnl[simulation,0] = self.starting_pot
    def aftersimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
        self.ax.plot(np.arange(0, self.trials, 1), self.r[simulation])        
        self.ax1.plot(np.arange(0, self.trials, 1), self.pnl[simulation])
    def reset_wager(self):
        self.wager = self.wager_initial
    def ontrial(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine):
            want to test some strategies for betting
            set wager for each bet
            if previous bet

            value : float
                sample from model
        # if we lost last time then double up
        if self.previous_value == -1:
            self.wager += self.wager      
        # keep track of coin toss paths
        self.r[simulation,trial] = self.r[simulation,trial-1] + value
        # if we won, add the wager
        # else subtract the wager
        if self.pnl[simulation,trial-1] > 0:        
            if value == 1 :
                self.pnl[simulation,trial] = self.pnl[simulation,trial-1] + self.wager
                self.pnl[simulation,trial] = self.pnl[simulation,trial-1] - self.wager
            # no bet to be made here
            self.pnl[simulation,trial] = self.pnl[simulation,trial-1]
        # always reset wager    
        # keep track of the previous value for next time around
        self.previous_value = value
    def finalise(self, model, engine):                    
        plt.title('Simulations %d Steps %d' % (int(self.simulations), int(self.trials)))
        plt.ylabel('profit and loss')
class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
    def test_engine(self):
            example of how to launch the MontoCarloTestEngine
            this is modelled on the quantopian style interface.
        e = MonteCarloEngine(moduleName='MonteCarloHeadsTailsExample', className='SimpleHeadTailModel')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 1 2014-04-27 17:24:31
+++ revision 2 2014-04-27 17:25:25
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
             Each toss determines whether the position is successful or not. This way no need to keep track of a decision
             and an associated variable. Simply do I win or not.
-        coint_toss = randint(1,2)
-        if coint_toss == 1:
+        coin_toss = randint(1,2)
+        if coin_toss == 1:
             return 1
             return -1
