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from functools import partial

# Replace this with actual implementation from
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577748-calculate-the-mro-of-a-class/
# (though this will work for simple cases)
def mro(*bases):
    return bases[0].__mro__

# This definition is only used to assist static code analyzers
def copy_ancestor_docstring(fn):
    '''Copy docstring for method from superclass

    For this decorator to work, the class has to use the `InheritableDocstrings`
    raise RuntimeError('Decorator can only be used in classes '
                       'using the `InheritableDocstrings` metaclass')

def _copy_ancestor_docstring(mro, fn):
    '''Decorator to set docstring for *fn* from *mro*'''
    if fn.__doc__ is not None:
        raise RuntimeError('Function already has docstring')

    # Search for docstring in superclass
    for cls in mro:
        super_fn = getattr(cls, fn.__name__, None)
        if super_fn is None:
        fn.__doc__ = super_fn.__doc__
        raise RuntimeError("Can't inherit docstring for %s: method does not "
                           "exist in superclass" % fn.__name__)

    return fn

class InheritableDocstrings(type):
    def __prepare__(cls, name, bases, **kwds):
        classdict = super().__prepare__(name, bases, *kwds)

        # Inject decorators into class namespace
        classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring'] = partial(_copy_ancestor_docstring, mro(*bases))
        return classdict

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict):

        # Decorator may not exist in class dict if the class (metaclass
        # instance) was constructed with an explicit call to `type`.
        # (cf http://bugs.python.org/issue18334)            
        if 'copy_ancestor_docstring' in classdict:

            # Make sure that class definition hasn't messed with decorators
            copy_impl = getattr(classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring'], 'func', None)
            if copy_impl is not _copy_ancestor_docstring:
                raise RuntimeError('No copy_ancestor_docstring attribute may be created '
                                   'in classes using the InheritableDocstrings metaclass')
            # Delete decorators from class namespace
            del classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring']
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, classdict)

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 1 2013-06-30 20:13:24
+++ revision 2 2013-07-01 02:29:40
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 from functools import partial
+# Replace this with actual implementation from
+# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577748-calculate-the-mro-of-a-class/
+# (though this will work for simple cases)
+def mro(*bases):
+    return bases[0].__mro__
 # This definition is only used to assist static code analyzers
 def copy_ancestor_docstring(fn):
@@ -34,25 +40,25 @@
     def __prepare__(cls, name, bases, **kwds):
         classdict = super().__prepare__(name, bases, *kwds)
-        # Construct temporary dummy class to figure out MRO
-        mro = type('K', bases, {}).__mro__[1:]
-        assert mro[-1] == object
-        mro = mro[:-1]
         # Inject decorators into class namespace
-        classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring'] = partial(_copy_ancestor_docstring, mro)
+        classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring'] = partial(_copy_ancestor_docstring, mro(*bases))
         return classdict
     def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
-        # Make sure that class definition hasn't messed with decorators
-        copy_impl = getattr(classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring'], 'func', None)
-        if copy_impl is not _copy_ancestor_docstring:
-            raise RuntimeError('No copy_ancestor_docstring attribute may be created '
-                               'in classes using the InheritableDocstrings metaclass')
+        # Decorator may not exist in class dict if the class (metaclass
+        # instance) was constructed with an explicit call to `type`.
+        # (cf http://bugs.python.org/issue18334)            
+        if 'copy_ancestor_docstring' in classdict:
+            # Make sure that class definition hasn't messed with decorators
+            copy_impl = getattr(classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring'], 'func', None)
+            if copy_impl is not _copy_ancestor_docstring:
+                raise RuntimeError('No copy_ancestor_docstring attribute may be created '
+                                   'in classes using the InheritableDocstrings metaclass')
-        # Delete decorators from class namespace
-        del classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring']
+            # Delete decorators from class namespace
+            del classdict['copy_ancestor_docstring']
         return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, classdict)
