How to install xlwt
- Download and install ActivePython
- Open Command Prompt
- Type
pypm install xlwt
Depended by
- apidev-sanza
- c2.recipe.bitbucketbk
- Camelot
- ckan
- ckanext-dgu
- django-icetea
- django-model-report
- django-po2xls
- django-xadmin
- django_excel_templates
- dojango-datable
- emencia.django.newsletter
- excellent
- holodeck
- huDjango
- icemac.addressbook
- Kiowa
- lingua
- Neptuno2
- Olympo
- oxitopped
- penelope.core
- por.dashboard
- pydap.responses.xls
- pyprof2xls
- ralph
- rastools
- sastool
- scanreports
- seantis.dir.base
- seantis.reservation
- SphinxReport
- tabledown
- tabola
- tendenci
- workbook
- xlutils
Lastest release
xlwt is a library for generating spreadsheet files that are compatible with Excel 97/2000/XP/2003, Calc, and Gnumeric. xlwt has full support for Unicode. Excel spreadsheets can be generated on any platform without needing Excel or a COM server. The only requirement is Python 2.3 to 2.7.