How to install WebTest
- Download and install ActivePython
- Open Command Prompt
- Type
pypm install webtest
- beautifulsoup4
- six
- waitress>=0.8.5
- WebOb>=1.2
- [tests] coverage
- [tests] mock
- [tests] nose
- [tests] PasteDeploy
- [tests] pyquery
- [tests] unittest2
- [tests] WSGIProxy2
Depended by
- abstrackr
- adhocracy-Pylons
- almir
- blueberry
- bobodoctestumentation
- cornice
- diecutter
- django-newsletter
- django-oscar-testsupport
- django-pwutils
- DjangoDevKit
- DjangoPluggableApp
- Dozer
- err
- Flask-WebTest
- GearShift
- giki
- jsonrpc2
- Khan
- Kotti
- kotti_calendar
- kotti_contactform
- kotti_etherpad
- kotti_feed
- kotti_gallery
- kotti_image_gallery
- kotti_mapreduce
- kotti_media
- kotti_navigation
- kotti_software
- kotti_video
- leon
- livetest
- loads
- lovely.gae
- lovely.jsonrpc
- mahokanta
- maitai
- max
- mdemos.server
- mediagoblin
- mediagoblin-spaetz
- Ming
- monolith.client
- monolith.web
- Nitrogen
- nous.testbrowser
- nucleon
- objgraph_middleware
- onlinelinguisticdatabase
- ophelia
- osiris
- pecan
- penelope.core
- por.dashboard
- pp.server
- PubliForge
- pwt.closure
- pwt.jinja2js
- Pylons
- pyppi
- pyramid
- pyramid_fullauth
- pyramid_jinja2
- pyramid_layout
- pyramid_localize
- pyramid_macauth
- pyramid_mako
- pyramid_robot
- pyramid_rpc
- pyramid_sna
- pyramid_zcml
- quantum-common
- queuey
- raven
- readable
- rebecca.fanstatic
- rebecca.todict
- repoze.who.plugins.browserid
- repoze.who.plugins.hawkauth
- repoze.who.plugins.macauth
- repoze.who.plugins.vepauth
- ringo
- sacrud
- sapproject
- ScriptTranscluder
- selwsgi
- SpammCan
- Studio
- tg.devtools
- TurboGears
- TurboGears2
- TurboGears2Frozen
- tzf.pyramid_yml
- ulif.openoffice
- urltest
- velruse
- warehouse
- weblayer
- webtest-casperjs
- webtest-selenium
- WebTestRecorder
- yith-library-server
- z3c.layer.pagelet
- z3c.layer.ready2go
- z3c.traverser
- zc.resumelb
- zc.wsgisessions
- zc.zodbwsgi
- zope.testbrowser
Lastest release
This wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting up an HTTP server.
This provides convenient full-stack testing of applications written with any WSGI-compatible framework.
Full docs can be found at