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from __future__ import print_function

import functools
import inspect

def decorator_factory(*kw_only_parameters):
    """Transforms a function with keyword arguments into one with
    keyword-only arguments.

    Call this decorator as @decorator_factory() for the default mode,
    which makes all keyword arguments keyword-only, or with the names
    of arguments to make keyword-only.  They must correspond with the
    names of arguments in the decorated function.  It works by
    collecting all the arguments into *args and **kws, then moving the
    arguments marked as keyword-only from **kws into *args.

      *kw_only_parameters: Keyword-only arguments as strings.

      A decorator that modifies a function so it has keyword-only

    def decorator(wrapped):
        """The decorator itself, assigns arguments as keyword-only and
        calculates sets for error checking.

          wrapped: The function to decorate.

          A function wrapped so that it has keyword-only arguments.


        # Each Python 3 argument has two independent properties: it is
        # positional-and-keyword *or* keyword-only, and it has a
        # default value or it doesn't.
        names, varargs, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(wrapped)

        # If there are no default values getargpsec() returns None
        # rather than an empty iterable for some reason.
        if defaults is None:
            defaults = ()
        names_with_defaults = frozenset(names[len(names) - len(defaults):])
        names_to_defaults = dict(zip(reversed(names), reversed(defaults)))
        if kw_only_parameters:
            kw_only_names = frozenset(kw_only_parameters)
            kw_only_names = names_with_defaults.copy()

        def wrapper(*args, **kws):
            """Wrapper function, checks arguments with set operations, moves args
            from **kws into *args, and then calls wrapped().

              *args, **kws: The arguments passed to the original function.

              The original function's result when it's called with the
              modified arguments.

              TypeError: When there is a mismatch between the supplied
                and expected arguments.


            new_args = []
            args_index = 0
            for name in names:
                if name in kws:
                    # Check first if there's a bound keyword for this name
                elif name in kw_only_names:
                    # If this name is keyword-only, check for a
                    # default or raise.
                    if name in names_to_defaults:
                        _wrong_args(wrapped, names, 
                                    kw_only_names -
                                    (names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
                elif args_index < len(args):
                    # Check for a positional arg.
                    args_index += 1
                elif name in names_to_defaults:
                    # Check for a default value.
                    # No positional arg or default for this name so raise.
                    _wrong_args(wrapped, names,
                                frozenset(names) -
                                (names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
                                'positional', len(args))

            if args_index != len(args) and not varargs:
                # Too many positional arguments and no varargs, so
                # raise after subtracting off the number of kw-only
                # arguments from those expected.
                raise TypeError(
                    '%s() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given' %
                     len(names) - len(names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
                # Pass the rest of the positional args, if any.

            return wrapped(*new_args, **kws)
        return wrapper

    return decorator

def _wrong_args(wrapped, names, missing_args, arg_type, number_of_args=0):
    """ Raise Python 3-style TypeErrors for missing arguments."""
    ordered_args = [a for a in names if a in missing_args]
    ordered_args = ordered_args[number_of_args:]
    error_message = ['%s() missing %d required %s argument' % 
                     (wrapped.__name__, len(ordered_args), arg_type)]
    if len(ordered_args) == 1:
        error_message.append(": '%s'" % ordered_args[0])
        error_message.extend(['s: ', 
                              ' '.join("'%s'" % a for a in ordered_args[:-1]),
                              " and '%s'" % ordered_args[-1]])
    raise TypeError(''.join(error_message))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    def test(f, *args, **kws):
        print(args, kws, '-> ', end='')
            f(*args, **kws)
        except TypeError as e:

    def f(a, b, c, d, e='e'):
        print(a, b, c, d, e)

    test(f, 0, 1, 2, 3)
    test(f, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    def f(a, b, c='c', d='d', *args, **kws):
        print(a, b, c, d, args, kws)

    test(f, 0, 1)
    test(f, -1, b='b')
    test(f, b='b')
    test(f, 0)
    test(f, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, c='foo', d='bar', e='baz')

    @decorator_factory('b', 'c')
    def f(a, b, c='c', d='d', *args, **kws):
        print(a, b, c, d, args, kws)

    test(f, 0)
    test(f, 0, b='b')
    test(f, 0, 1, 2)
    test(f, 0, 1, 2, b='b')
    test(f, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, c='foo', d='bar', e='baz')
    test(f, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b='foo', c='bar', e='baz')

    class C(object):
        @decorator_factory('b', 'c')
        def __init__(self, a, b, c='c', d='d', *args, **kws):
            print(a, b, c, d, args, kws)

    test(C, 0, 1, 2, b='b')
    test(C, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b='foo', c='bar', e='baz')

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 9 2015-09-21 21:52:55
+++ revision 10 2015-09-22 18:16:40
@@ -4,18 +4,6 @@
 import functools
 import inspect
-    from itertools import zip_longest
-except ImportError:
-    from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
-# This is a placeholder object to distinguish parameters without
-# defaults from parameters that have None as their default.
-class NoDefault(object):
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'NoDefault'
-no_default = NoDefault()
 def decorator_factory(*kw_only_parameters):
@@ -59,11 +47,7 @@
         if defaults is None:
             defaults = ()
         names_with_defaults = frozenset(names[len(names) - len(defaults):])
-        parameters = list(zip_longest(reversed(names), reversed(defaults),
-                                         fillvalue=no_default))
-        parameters.reverse()
-        parameters = tuple(parameters)
-        names = frozenset(names)
+        names_to_defaults = dict(zip(reversed(names), reversed(defaults)))
         if kw_only_parameters:
             kw_only_names = frozenset(kw_only_parameters)
@@ -89,17 +73,17 @@
             new_args = []
             args_index = 0
-            for name, default in parameters:
+            for name in names:
                 if name in kws:
                     # Check first if there's a bound keyword for this name
                 elif name in kw_only_names:
                     # If this name is keyword-only, check for a
                     # default or raise.
-                    if default is not no_default:
-                        new_args.append(default)
+                    if name in names_to_defaults:
+                        new_args.append(names_to_defaults[name])
-                        _wrong_args(wrapped, parameters, 
+                        _wrong_args(wrapped, names, 
                                     kw_only_names -
                                     (names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
@@ -107,13 +91,14 @@
                     # Check for a positional arg.
                     args_index += 1
-                elif default is not no_default:
+                elif name in names_to_defaults:
                     # Check for a default value.
-                    new_args.append(default)
+                    new_args.append(names_to_defaults[name])
                     # No positional arg or default for this name so raise.
-                    _wrong_args(wrapped, parameters,
-                                names - (names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
+                    _wrong_args(wrapped, names,
+                                frozenset(names) -
+                                (names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
                                 'positional', len(args))
             if args_index != len(args) and not varargs:
@@ -126,7 +111,7 @@
                      len(names) - len(names_with_defaults | frozenset(kws)),
-                # Pass the rest of the positional args
+                # Pass the rest of the positional args, if any.
             return wrapped(*new_args, **kws)
@@ -135,9 +120,9 @@
     return decorator
-def _wrong_args(wrapped, parameters, missing_args, arg_type, number_of_args=0):
+def _wrong_args(wrapped, names, missing_args, arg_type, number_of_args=0):
     """ Raise Python 3-style TypeErrors for missing arguments."""
-    ordered_args = [a for a, _ in parameters if a in missing_args]
+    ordered_args = [a for a in names if a in missing_args]
     ordered_args = ordered_args[number_of_args:]
     error_message = ['%s() missing %d required %s argument' % 
                      (wrapped.__name__, len(ordered_args), arg_type)]
