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import os
import urllib2
import time
import multiprocessing.dummy as multiprocessing
import string
from random import choice
import socket
from ctypes import c_int
import tempfile

import dummy
from logger import log

"Smart Downloading Module. Written by Itay Brandes."

shared_bytes_var = multiprocessing.Value(c_int, 0) # a ctypes var that counts the bytes already downloaded

def DownloadFile(url, path, startByte=0, endByte=None, ShowProgress=True):
	Function downloads file.
	@param url: File url address.
	@param path: Destination file path.
	@param startByte: Start byte.
	@param endByte: End byte. Will work only if server supports HTTPRange headers.
	@param ShowProgress: If true, shows textual progress bar. 
	@return path: Destination file path.
	url = url.replace(' ', '%20')
	headers = {}
	if endByte is not None:
		headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-%d' % (startByte,endByte)
	req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)
		urlObj = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=4)
	except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
		if "HTTP Error 416" in str(e):
			# HTTP 416 Error: Requested Range Not Satisfiable. Happens when we ask
			# for a range that is not available on the server. It will happen when
			# the server will try to send us a .html page that means something like
			# "you opened too many connections to our server". If this happens, we
			# will wait for the other threads to finish their connections and try again.
			log.warning("Thread didn't got the file it was expecting. Retrying...")
			return DownloadFile(url, path, startByte, endByte, ShowProgress)
			raise e
	f = open(path, 'wb')
	meta = urlObj.info()
		filesize = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
	except IndexError:
		log.warning("Server did not send Content-Length.")
	filesize_dl = 0
	block_sz = 8192
	while True:
			buff = urlObj.read(block_sz)
		except (socket.timeout, socket.error, urllib2.HTTPError), e:
			dummy.shared_bytes_var.value -= filesize_dl
			raise e
		if not buff:

		filesize_dl += len(buff)
			dummy.shared_bytes_var.value += len(buff)
		except AttributeError:
		if ShowProgress:
			status = r"%.2f MB / %.2f MB %s [%3.2f%%]" % (filesize_dl / 1024.0 / 1024.0,
					filesize / 1024.0 / 1024.0, progress_bar(1.0*filesize_dl/filesize),
					filesize_dl * 100.0 / filesize)
			status += chr(8)*(len(status)+1)
			print status,
	if ShowProgress:
		print "\n"
	return path
def DownloadFile_Parall(url, path=None, processes=6,
							minChunkFile=1024**2, nonBlocking=False):
	Function downloads file parally.
	@param url: File url address.
	@param path: Destination file path.
	@param processes: Number of processes to use in the pool.
	@param minChunkFile: Minimum chunk file in bytes.
	@param nonBlocking: If true, returns (mapObj, pool). A list of file parts will be returned
						from the mapObj results, and the developer must join them himself.
						Developer also must close and join the pool.
	@return mapObj: Only if nonBlocking is True. A multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult object.
	@return pool: Only if nonBlocking is True. A multiprocessing.pool object.
	from HTTPQuery import Is_ServerSupportHTTPRange
	global shared_bytes_var
	shared_bytes_var.value = 0
	url = url.replace(' ', '%20')
	if not path:
		path = get_rand_filename(os.environ['temp'])
		if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
	log.debug("Downloading to %s..." % path)
	urlObj = urllib2.urlopen(url)
	meta = urlObj.info()
	filesize = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
	if filesize/processes > minChunkFile and Is_ServerSupportHTTPRange(url):
		args = []
		pos = 0
		chunk = filesize/processes
		for i in range(processes):
			startByte = pos
			endByte = pos + chunk
			if endByte > filesize-1:
				endByte = filesize-1
			args.append([url, path+".%.3d" % i, startByte, endByte, False])
			pos += chunk+1
		args = [[url, path+".000", None, None, False]]
	log.debug("Running %d processes..." % processes)
	pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes, initializer=_initProcess,initargs=(shared_bytes_var,))
	mapObj = pool.map_async(lambda x: DownloadFile(*x) , args)
	if nonBlocking:
		return mapObj, pool
	while not mapObj.ready():
		status = r"%.2f MB / %.2f MB %s [%3.2f%%]" % (shared_bytes_var.value / 1024.0 / 1024.0,
				filesize / 1024.0 / 1024.0, progress_bar(1.0*shared_bytes_var.value/filesize),
				shared_bytes_var.value * 100.0 / filesize)
		status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1)
		print status,

	file_parts = mapObj.get()
	combine_files(file_parts, path)

def combine_files(parts, path):
	Function combines file parts.
	@param parts: List of file paths.
	@param path: Destination path.
	with open(path,'wb') as output:
		for part in parts:
			with open(part,'rb') as f:
def progress_bar(progress, length=20):
	Function creates a textual progress bar.
	@param progress: Float number between 0 and 1 describes the progress.
	@param length: The length of the progress bar in chars. Default is 20.
	length -= 2 # The bracket are 2 chars long.
	return "[" + "#"*int(progress*length) + "-"*(length-int(progress*length)) + "]"	

def get_rand_filename(dir_=os.getcwd()):
	"Function returns a non-existent random filename."
	return tempfile.mkstemp('.tmp', '', dir_)[1]

def _initProcess(x):
  dummy.shared_bytes_var = x
