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from fractions import Fraction

def spread(start, end, count, mode=1):
    """spread(start, end, count [, mode]) -> generator

    Yield a sequence of evenly-spaced numbers between start and end.

    The range start...end is divided into count evenly-spaced (or as close to
    evenly-spaced as possible) intervals. The end-points of each interval are
    then yielded, optionally including or excluding start and end themselves.
    By default, start is included and end is excluded.

    For example, with start=0, end=2.1 and count=3, the range is divided into
    three intervals:


    resulting in:

        >>> list(spread(0.0, 2.1, 3))
        [0.0, 0.7, 1.4]

    Optional argument mode controls whether spread() includes the start and
    end values. mode must be an int. Bit zero of mode controls whether start
    is included (on) or excluded (off); bit one does the same for end. Hence:

        0 -> open interval (start and end both excluded)
        1 -> half-open (start included, end excluded)
        2 -> half open (start excluded, end included)
        3 -> closed (start and end both included)

    By default, mode=1 and only start is included in the output.

    (Note: depending on mode, the number of values returned can be count,
    count-1 or count+1.)
    if not isinstance(mode, int):
        raise TypeError('mode must be an int')
    if count != int(count):
        raise ValueError('count must be an integer')
    if count <= 0:
        raise ValueError('count must be positive')
    if mode & 1:
        yield start
    width = Fraction(end-start)
    start = Fraction(start)
    for i in range(1, count):
        yield float(start + i*width/count)
    if mode & 2:
        yield end
