def main(width, height, colors): size = height * width array = [0] * size create_image(array, width) add_one(array, colors) while sum(array) != 0: create_image(array, width) add_one(array, colors) def add_one(array, colors): for index, digit in enumerate(array): digit += 1 if digit == colors: array[index] = 0 else: array[index] = digit break def create_image(array, width, counter=[1]): image = BitMap(width, len(array) // width) for index, pixel in enumerate(array): image.setPenColor(PALETTE[pixel]) image.plotPoint(*reversed(divmod(index, width))) image.saveFile(str(counter[0]) + '.bmp') counter[0] += 1 ################################################################################ """ - module for constructing simple BMP graphics files Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __version__ = "0.3" __about = "bmp module, version %s, written by Paul McGuire, October, 2003, updated by Margus Laak, September, 2009" % __version__ from math import ceil, hypot def shortToString(i): hi = (i & 0xff00) >> 8 lo = i & 0x00ff return chr(lo) + chr(hi) def longToString(i): hi = (int(i) & 0x7fff0000) >> 16 lo = int(i) & 0x0000ffff return shortToString(lo) + shortToString(hi) def long24ToString(i): return chr(i & 0xff) + chr(i >> 8 & 0xff) + chr(i >> 16 & 0xff) def stringToLong(input_string, offset): return ord(input_string[offset+3]) << 24 | ord(input_string[offset+2]) << 16 | ord(input_string[offset+1]) << 8 | ord(input_string[offset]) def stringToLong24(input_string, offset): return ord(input_string[offset+2]) << 16 | ord(input_string[offset+1]) << 8 | ord(input_string[offset]) class Color(object): """class for specifying colors while drawing BitMap elements""" __slots__ = [ 'red', 'grn', 'blu' ] __shade = 32 def __init__( self, r=0, g=0, b=0 ): = r self.grn = g self.blu = b def __setattr__(self, name, value): if hasattr(self, name): raise AttributeError("Color is immutable") else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __str__( self ): return "R:%d G:%d B:%d" % (, self.grn, self.blu ) def __hash__( self ): return ( ( int(self.blu) ) + ( int(self.grn) << 8 ) + ( int( << 16 ) ) def __eq__( self, other ): return (self is other) or (self.toLong == other.toLong) def lighten( self ): return Color( min( + Color.__shade, 255), min( self.grn + Color.__shade, 255), min( self.blu + Color.__shade, 255) ) def darken( self ): return Color( max( - Color.__shade, 0), max( self.grn - Color.__shade, 0), max( self.blu - Color.__shade, 0) ) def toLong( self ): return self.__hash__() def fromLong( l ): b = l & 0xff l = l >> 8 g = l & 0xff l = l >> 8 r = l & 0xff return Color( r, g, b ) fromLong = staticmethod(fromLong) # define class constants for common colors Color.BLACK = Color( 0, 0, 0 ) Color.RED = Color( 255, 0, 0 ) Color.GREEN = Color( 0, 255, 0 ) Color.BLUE = Color( 0, 0, 255 ) Color.CYAN = Color( 0, 255, 255 ) Color.MAGENTA = Color( 255, 0, 255 ) Color.YELLOW = Color( 255, 255, 0 ) Color.WHITE = Color( 255, 255, 255 ) Color.DKRED = Color( 128, 0, 0 ) Color.DKGREEN = Color( 0, 128, 0 ) Color.DKBLUE = Color( 0, 0, 128 ) Color.TEAL = Color( 0, 128, 128 ) Color.PURPLE = Color( 128, 0, 128 ) Color.BROWN = Color( 128, 128, 0 ) Color.GRAY = Color( 128, 128, 128 ) class BitMap(object): """class for drawing and saving simple Windows bitmap files""" LINE_SOLID = 0 LINE_DASHED = 1 LINE_DOTTED = 2 LINE_DOT_DASH=3 _DASH_LEN = 12.0 _DOT_LEN = 6.0 _DOT_DASH_LEN = _DOT_LEN + _DASH_LEN def __init__( self, width, height, bkgd = Color.WHITE, frgd = Color.BLACK ): self.wd = int( ceil(width) ) = int( ceil(height) ) self.bgcolor = 0 self.fgcolor = 1 self.palette = [] self.palette.append( bkgd.toLong() ) self.palette.append( frgd.toLong() ) self.setDefaultPenColor() tmparray = [ self.bgcolor ] * self.wd self.bitarray = [ tmparray[:] for i in range( ) ] self.currentPen = 1 self.fontName = "%s-%d-%s" % ( "none", 0, "none" ) def setDefaultPenColor( self ): self.currentPen = self.fgcolor def setPenColor( self, pcolor ): oldColor = self.currentPen # look for c in palette pcolornum = pcolor.toLong() try: self.currentPen = self.palette.index( pcolornum ) except ValueError: if len( self.palette ) < 256 : self.palette.append( pcolornum ) self.currentPen = len( self.palette ) - 1 else: self.currentPen = self.fgcolor return Color.fromLong( self.palette[oldColor] ) def getPenColor( self ): return Color.fromLong( self.palette[self.currentPen] ) def plotPoint( self, x, y ): if ( 0 <= x < self.wd and 0 <= y < ): x = int(x) y = int(y) self.bitarray[y][x] = self.currentPen def drawRect( self, x, y, wid, ht, fill=False ): x = int(x) y = int(y) cury = y # subtract one for line width wid -= 1 ht -= 1 self.drawLine( x, y, x+wid, y ) if fill: cury = y while cury < y+ht: self.drawLine( x, cury, x+wid, cury ) cury += 1 else: self.drawLine( x, y, x, y+ht ) self.drawLine( x+wid, y, x+wid, y+ht ) self.drawLine( x, y+ht, x+wid, y+ht ) def drawSquare( self, x, y, wid, fill=False ): self.drawRect( x, y, wid, wid, fill ) def bresLine(x,y,x2,y2): """Bresenham line algorithm""" steep = 0 coords = [] dx = int(abs(x2 - x)+0.5) if (x2 - x) > 0: sx = 1 else: sx = -1 dy = int(abs(y2 - y)+0.5) if (y2 - y) > 0: sy = 1 else: sy = -1 if dy > dx: steep = 1 x,y = y,x dx,dy = dy,dx sx,sy = sy,sx dx2 = dx*2 dy2 = dy*2 d = dy2 - dx for i in range(0,dx): coords.append( (x,y) ) while d >= 0: y += sy d -= dx2 x += sx d += dy2 if steep: #transpose x's and y's coords = [ (c[1],c[0]) for c in coords ] coords.append( (x2,y2) ) return coords bresLine = staticmethod( bresLine ) def _drawLine( self, x1, y1, x2, y2 ): # special checks for vert and horiz lines if ( x1 == x2 ): if 0 <= x1 < self.wd: if ( y2 < y1 ): y1,y2 = y2,y1 cury = max( y1, 0 ) maxy = min( y2, ) while cury <= maxy : self.plotPoint( x1, cury ) cury += 1 return if ( y1 == y2 ): if ( 0 <= y1 < ): if ( x2 < x1 ): x1,x2 = x2,x1 curx = max( x1, 0 ) maxx = min( x2, self.wd-1 ) while curx <= maxx: self.plotPoint( curx, y1 ) curx += 1 return for pt in BitMap.bresLine(x1, y1, x2, y2): self.plotPoint( pt[0], pt[1] ) def _drawLines( self, lineSegs ): for x1,y1,x2,y2 in lineSegs: self._drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) def drawLine( self, x1, y1, x2, y2, type=LINE_SOLID ): if type == BitMap.LINE_SOLID: self._drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) elif type == BitMap.LINE_DASHED: # how many segs? len = hypot( x2-x1, y2-y1 ) numsegs = len / BitMap._DASH_LEN dx = ( x2 - x1 ) / numsegs dy = ( y2 - y1 ) / numsegs dx2 = dx / 2.0 dy2 = dy / 2.0 if ( x2 < x1 ): x1,x2 = x2,x1 y1,y2 = y2,y1 segs = [] curx = x1 cury = y1 for i in range( int(numsegs) ): segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx2, cury + dy2 ) ) curx += dx cury += dy if curx + dx2 > x2: segs.append( ( curx, cury, x2, y2 ) ) else: segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx2, cury + dy2 ) ) self._drawLines( segs ) elif type == BitMap.LINE_DOTTED: len = hypot( x2-x1, y2-y1 ) numsegs = len / BitMap._DOT_LEN dx = ( x2 - x1 ) / numsegs dy = ( y2 - y1 ) / numsegs dx2 = dx / 2.0 dy2 = dy / 2.0 if ( x2 < x1 ): x1,x2 = x2,x1 y1,y2 = y2,y1 segs = [] curx = x1 cury = y1 for i in range( int(numsegs) ): segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx2, cury + dy2 ) ) curx += dx cury += dy if curx + dx2 > x2: segs.append( ( curx, cury, x2, y2 ) ) else: segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx2, cury + dy2 ) ) self._drawLines( segs ) elif type == BitMap.LINE_DOT_DASH: len = hypot( x2-x1, y2-y1 ) numsegs = len / BitMap._DOT_DASH_LEN dx = ( x2 - x1 ) / numsegs dy = ( y2 - y1 ) / numsegs dx3 = dx / 3.0 dy3 = dy / 3.0 dx23 = 0.62*dx dy23 = 0.62*dy dx56 = 0.78*dx dy56 = 0.78*dy if ( x2 < x1 ): x1,x2 = x2,x1 y1,y2 = y2,y1 segs = [] curx = x1 cury = y1 for i in range( int(numsegs) ): segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx3, cury + dy3 ) ) segs.append( ( curx + dx23, cury + dy23, curx + dx56, cury + dy56 ) ) curx += dx cury += dy if curx + dx3 > x2: segs.append( ( curx, cury, x2, y2 ) ) else: segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx3, cury + dy3 ) ) if curx + dx23 < x2: if curx + dx56 > x2: segs.append( ( curx + dx23, cury + dy23, x2, y2 ) ) else: segs.append( ( curx + dx23, cury + dy23, curx + dx56, cury + dy56 ) ) else: pass #segs.append( ( curx, cury, curx + dx3, cury + dy3 ) ) segs.append( ( curx, cury, x2, y2 ) ) self._drawLines( segs ) def drawCircle( self, cx, cy, r, fill=False ): x = 0 y = r d = 1 - r self.plotPoint(cx, cy + y) self.plotPoint(cx, cy - y) if fill: self.drawLine(cx - y, cy, cx + y, cy) else: self.plotPoint(cx + y, cy) self.plotPoint(cx - y, cy) while( y > x ): if ( d < 0 ): d += ( 2*x + 3 ) else: d += ( 2*(x-y) + 5 ) y -= 1 x += 1 if fill: self.drawLine(cx + x - 1, cy + y, cx - x + 1, cy + y) self.drawLine(cx - x + 1, cy - y, cx + x - 1, cy - y) self.drawLine(cx + y - 1, cy + x, cx - y + 1, cy + x) self.drawLine(cx - y + 1, cy - x, cx + y - 1, cy - x) else: self.plotPoint(cx + x, cy + y) self.plotPoint(cx + y, cy + x) self.plotPoint(cx - x, cy - y) self.plotPoint(cx - y, cy - x) self.plotPoint(cx + x, cy - y) self.plotPoint(cx - y, cy + x) self.plotPoint(cx - x, cy + y) self.plotPoint(cx + y, cy - x) def _saveBitMapNoCompression( self ): line_padding = (4 - (self.wd % 4)) % 4 # write bitmap header _bitmap = "BM" _bitmap += longToString( 54 +*(self.wd*3 + line_padding) ) # DWORD size in bytes of the file _bitmap += longToString( 0 ) # DWORD 0 _bitmap += longToString( 54 ) _bitmap += longToString( 40 ) # DWORD header size = 40 _bitmap += longToString( self.wd ) # DWORD image width _bitmap += longToString( ) # DWORD image height _bitmap += shortToString( 1 ) # WORD planes = 1 _bitmap += shortToString( 24 ) # WORD bits per pixel = 8 _bitmap += longToString( 0 ) # DWORD compression = 0 _bitmap += longToString( * (self.wd * 3 + line_padding) ) # DWORD sizeimage = size in bytes of the bitmap = width * height _bitmap += longToString( 0 ) # DWORD horiz pixels per meter (?) _bitmap += longToString( 0 ) # DWORD ver pixels per meter (?) _bitmap += longToString( 0 ) # DWORD number of colors used = 256 _bitmap += longToString( 0 ) # DWORD number of "import colors = len( self.palette ) # write pixels self.bitarray.reverse() for row in self.bitarray: for pixel in row: c = self.palette[pixel] _bitmap += long24ToString(c) for i in range(line_padding): _bitmap += chr( 0 ) return _bitmap """ f = file( filename, "wb" ) line_padding = (4 - (self.wd % 4)) % 4 # write bitmap header f.write( "BM" ) #f.write( longToString( 54 + 256*4 +*self.wd ) ) # DWORD size in bytes of the file f.write( longToString( 54 +*(self.wd*3 + line_padding) ) ) # DWORD size in bytes of the file f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD 0 #f.write( longToString( 54 + 256*4 ) ) # DWORD offset to the data f.write( longToString( 54 ) ) f.write( longToString( 40 ) ) # DWORD header size = 40 f.write( longToString( self.wd ) ) # DWORD image width f.write( longToString( ) ) # DWORD image height f.write( shortToString( 1 ) ) # WORD planes = 1 f.write( shortToString( 24 ) ) # WORD bits per pixel = 8 f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD compression = 0 f.write( longToString( * (self.wd * 3 + line_padding) ) ) # DWORD sizeimage = size in bytes of the bitmap = width * height f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD horiz pixels per meter (?) f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD ver pixels per meter (?) f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD number of colors used = 256 f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD number of "import colors = len( self.palette ) # write pixels self.bitarray.reverse() for row in self.bitarray: print len(row) for pixel in row: c = self.palette[pixel] f.write( long24ToString(c) ) for i in range(line_padding): f.write( chr( 0 ) ) # close file f.close() """ def _saveBitMapWithCompression( self, filename ): """ At the moment we don't support it """ # open file f = file( filename, "wb" ) # write bitmap header f.write( "BM" ) f.write( longToString( 54 + 256*4 +*self.wd ) ) # DWORD size in bytes of the file f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD 0 f.write( longToString( 54 + 256*4 ) ) # DWORD offset to the data f.write( longToString( 40 ) ) # DWORD header size = 40 f.write( longToString( self.wd ) ) # DWORD image width f.write( longToString( ) ) # DWORD image height f.write( shortToString( 1 ) ) # WORD planes = 1 f.write( shortToString( 8 ) ) # WORD bits per pixel = 8 f.write( longToString( 1 ) ) # DWORD compression = 1=RLE8 f.write( longToString( self.wd * ) ) # DWORD sizeimage = size in bytes of the bitmap = width * height f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD horiz pixels per meter (?) f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # DWORD ver pixels per meter (?) f.write( longToString( len(self.palette) ) ) # DWORD number of colors used = 256 f.write( longToString( len(self.palette) ) ) # DWORD number of "import colors = len( self.palette ) # write bitmap palette for clr in self.palette: f.write( longToString( clr ) ) for i in range( len(self.palette), 256 ): f.write( longToString( 0 ) ) # write pixels pixelBytes = 0 self.bitarray.reverse() for row in self.bitarray: rleStart = 0 curPixel = rleStart+1 while curPixel < len(row): if row[curPixel] != row[rleStart] or curPixel-rleStart == 255: # write out from rleStart thru curPixel-1 f.write( chr( curPixel-rleStart ) ) f.write( chr( row[rleStart] ) ) pixelBytes += 2 rleStart = curPixel else: pass curPixel += 1 # write out last run of colors f.write( chr( curPixel-rleStart ) ) f.write( chr( row[rleStart] ) ) pixelBytes += 2 # end of line code f.write( chr(0) ) f.write( chr(0) ) pixelBytes += 2 # end of bitmap code f.write( chr(0) ) f.write( chr(1) ) pixelBytes += 2 # now fix sizes in header f.write( longToString( 54 + 256*4 + pixelBytes ) ) # DWORD size in bytes of the file f.write( longToString( pixelBytes ) ) # DWORD size in bytes of the file # close file f.close() def saveFile( self, filename, compress=False ): if compress: _b = self._saveBitMapWithCompression( filename ) else: _b = self._saveBitMapNoCompression( ) f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(bytes(map(ord, _b))) f.close() def getBitmap(self, compress=False): _b = '' if compress: print('Not yet implemented') else: _b = self._saveBitMapNoCompression() return _b def _drawFont(self, start_x, start_y, data): max_width = 0 # empty font, like space if len(data) == 0: return (0, 0) start_y += data[0] for data_y in range(1, len(data)): # calculate maximum font width if len(data[data_y]) > max_width: max_width = len(data[data_y]) for data_x in range(0, len(data[data_y])): #d_x = start_x * 3 + data_x * 3 d_x = start_x + data_x if data[data_y][data_x] == '1': self.plotPoint(d_x, start_y + data_y) width = max_width height = len(data) return (width, height) def drawText(self, text, x, y): offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 for idx in range(0, len(text)): (width, height) = self._drawFont(x + offset_x, y + offset_y, self.font[ord(text[idx])]) offset_x += (width + 1) def setFont(self, font_data): self.font = font_data def loadImage(self, image): width = stringToLong(image, 0x12) height = stringToLong(image, 0x16) self.wd = width = height self.bgcolor = 0 self.fgcolor = 0 self.palette = [] self.currentPen = 0 bitarray = [] bitarray.append([]) row_idx = 0 col_idx = 0 idx_offset = stringToLong(image, 0xa) idx = idx_offset line_padding = (4 - ( width % 4 ) ) % 4 bytes_in_row = width*3 + line_padding while (idx+3) <= len(image): if col_idx >= width: # end of row, dismiss padding row_idx += 1 idx += line_padding col_idx = 0 if idx + 3 > len(image): break # add new row to image bitarray.append([]) c = Color(ord(image[idx+2]), ord(image[idx+1]), ord(image[idx])) # register palette colorNum = c.toLong() try: self.currentPen = self.palette.index(colorNum) except ValueError: if len( self.palette ) < 256 : self.palette.append(colorNum) self.currentPen = len( self.palette ) - 1 else: self.currentPen = self.fgcolor bitarray[row_idx].append(self.currentPen) idx += 3 col_idx += 1 # this is it bitarray.reverse() self.bitarray = bitarray ################################################################################ PALETTE = tuple(value for key, value in vars(Color).items() if key.isupper()) if __name__ == '__main__': main(2, 2, 15)