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class _BBCode:

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        method = _Virtual(name)
        setattr(self, name, method)
        return method

class _Virtual:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.__name = name.upper()

    def __call__(self, string, *args):
        return '[{0}{1}]{2}[/{0}]'.format(self.__name, ('=' + ','.join(map(str, args))) if args else '', string)

BBCode = _BBCode()



BBCode.b('A bold sentence')
'[B]A bold sentence[/B]'

>>> BBCode.i('Italics')

>>> BBCode.u('underline')

>>> 'I want one ' + BBCode.s('million') + ' billion dollars'
'I want one [S]million[/S] billion dollars'

>>> BBCode.sub('sub') + 'marine'

>>> 'x' + BBCode.sup(2)

>>> BBCode.big('big')

>>> BBCode.big(BBCode.big('bigger'))

>>> BBCode.small('smaller text')
'[SMALL]smaller text[/SMALL]'

>>> BBCode.color('Green text', 'green')
'[COLOR=green]Green text[/COLOR]'

>>> BBCode.bgcolor('A background for text', 'lightgreen')
'[BGCOLOR=lightgreen]A background for text[/BGCOLOR]'

>>> BBCode.border('bordered', 'red')

>>> BBCode.border('bordered', 'blue', 3)

>>> BBCode.border('bordered', 'green', 1, 'dotted')

>>> BBCode.center('centered')

>>> BBCode.right('right aligned')
'[RIGHT]right aligned[/RIGHT]'

>>> BBCode.font('A different font', 'verdana')
'[FONT=verdana]A different font[/FONT]'

>>> BBCode.quote('Party time', 'Joe')
'[QUOTE=Joe]Party time[/QUOTE]'

>>> BBCode.quote('Party time')
'[QUOTE]Party time[/QUOTE]'

>>> print(BBCode.html('''<html>
<title>Steel Headquarters</title>
<p class="intro">Welcome</p>
<title>Steel Headquarters</title>
<p class="intro">Welcome</p>

>>> BBCode.nocode('lets show someone how to make text bigger ' + BBCode.big('bigger text'))
'[NOCODE]lets show someone how to make text bigger [BIG]bigger text[/BIG][/NOCODE]'

>>> BBCode.code('''int x = y;
'[CODE]int x = y;\nx++;[/CODE]'

>>> BBCode.url('Google', 'http://www.google.com/')

>>> BBCode.url('http://www.google.com/')

>>> BBCode.img('http://www.google.com/logos/july4th09.gif')

>>> BBCode.email('Email me', 'user@example.com')
'[EMAIL=user@example.com]Email me[/EMAIL]'

>>> BBCode.email('user@example.com')

>>> BBCode.flash('http://www.youtube.com/v/z7SeHqxOVYc', 250, 210)

>>> BBCode.list(''.join(map(lambda item: '[*]' + item, ('Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'))))
'[LIST][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/LIST]'

>>> BBCode.list(''.join(map(lambda item: '[*]' + item, ('Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'))), 1)
'[LIST=1][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/LIST]'

>>> 'You may want to hide something from accidental viewing:' + BBCode.spoiler('or the secret may be spoiled')
'You may want to hide something from accidental viewing:[SPOILER]or the secret may be spoiled[/SPOILER]'




class _Patch(_BBCode):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for key in kwargs:
            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

    def bulleted(self, *items):
        return '[LIST]' + ''.join(map(lambda item: '[*]' + item, items)) + '[/LIST]'

    def numbered(self, *items):
        return '[LIST=1]' + ''.join(map(lambda item: '[*]' + item, items)) + '[/LIST]'


>>> BBCode = _Patch(SELF='[me]', RULE='[hr]')

>>> BBCode.bulleted('Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3')
'[LIST][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/LIST]'

>>> BBCode.numbered('Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3')
'[LIST=1][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/LIST]'

>>> BBCode.SELF

>>> BBCode.RULE



  • revision 8 (14 years ago)
  • previous revisions are not available