@echo off setlocal TITLE "GETJDBCINFO" set host=yourserver set dataBase="D:/DERBYDatabases/yourdatabase" set schema="yourschema" set driver="DB2XADataSource" set server=yourserver call :GETPMIINFO goto :EOF :GETPMIINFO echo ################################################### echo # Get PMI info for %server% echo ################################################### command.com /c pushd d:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin call d:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\wsadmin -conntype SOAP^ -port 8879^ -host %host%^ -user user^ -password password^ -f d:\scripts\websphere\jacl\getJDBCINFO.tcl %server% %database% %schema% %driver% endlocal =========================================================================== # # Get JDBC PMI info for server. # NB: server must be running and PMI must be switched on. # #################################################################### # Patrick Finnegan 11/11/2005. V1. #################################################################### #################################################################### # Get Cloudscape connection. #################################################################### proc dbconnect { databaseName } { puts "\n**********" puts "dbconnect" puts "**********\n" global env global null # load client driver. java::call Class forName org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver append url jdbc:derby append url ":" append url "//" append url $::env(com.ibm.ws.scripting.host) append url ":" append url "1527" append url "/" append url $databaseName puts "\n connection URL is: $url\n" java::try { set ConnectionI [ java::call DriverManager getConnection $url ] } catch {SQLException SQLExceptionI } { catchSqlException $SQLExceptionI } catch {TclException e } { puts "TCl Exception to prepare statement $e" return -code error } puts "transaction isolation level is [ $ConnectionI getTransactionIsolation ] \n" java::lock $ConnectionI return $ConnectionI } #################################################################### # proc - get JDBC details #################################################################### proc getJDBCInfo { nodeName serverName ConnectionI schema driver } { global AdminConfig global AdminControl global null global Help puts "\n**********" puts "getJDBCInfo" puts "**********\n" puts "\nget the performance mbean for the server - should be just one.\n" append queryString "WebSphere:*,node=" append queryString $nodeName append queryString ",process=" append queryString $serverName append queryString ",type=Perf" puts "\n query string is: $queryString \n" set perfMbean [ $AdminControl queryNames $queryString ] if { $perfMbean == $null || [ string length $perfMbean] == 0 } { puts "\n $serverName is not running or PMI is not enabled for $serverName. \n" return } else { set donothing true } puts "\nget the JDBC Bean.\n" unset queryString append queryString "WebSphere:*,node=" append queryString $nodeName append queryString ",name=" append queryString $driver append queryString ",process=" append queryString $serverName append queryString ",type=JDBCProvider" puts "\n query string is: $queryString \n" set JDBCMbean [ $AdminControl queryNames $queryString ] #puts "\n JDBCMbean: $JDBCMbean \n" puts "\n length JDBCMbean: [ llength $JDBCMbean ] \n" if { $JDBCMbean == $null || [ string length $JDBCMbean] == 0 } { puts "\n $serverName JDBC is not running \n" return } else { set donothing true } set JDBCMbeanO [ $AdminControl makeObjectName $JDBCMbean ] set boolean [ java::new Boolean recursive ] # NB: brackets around array object. set parramsArray [ java::new {Object[]} {2} [ list $JDBCMbeanO $boolean ] ] set signaturesArray [ java::new {String[]} {2} [ list javax.management.ObjectName java.lang.Boolean ] ] set perfMbeanO [ $AdminControl makeObjectName $perfMbean ] #get the stats list from the performance bean puts "get the stats list from the performance bean" set JDBCInfo [ $AdminControl invoke_jmx $perfMbeanO "getStatsString" $parramsArray $signaturesArray ] if { $JDBCInfo == $null || [ string length $JDBCInfo ] == 0 } { puts "\n $serverName: No JDBC stats available \n" return } else { set donothing true } set JDBCInfoString [ $JDBCInfo toString ] #get PMI data sub list. set e4 [ lindex $JDBCInfoString 3 ] set dataList [ lindex $e4 1 ] set dataListL [ llength $dataList ] # sort in id order set dataList [ lsort -dictionary -index 0 $dataList ] #set topParms [ lindex $dataList 0 ] set topParms [ lindex $JDBCInfoString 1 ] set width 60 set x1 [ lindex [ lindex [ lindex $topParms 1 ] 0 ] 0 ] set x2 [ lindex [ lindex [ lindex $topParms 1 ] 0 ] 1 ] puts [ format "%-${width}s %s" $x1 $x2 ] lappend valuesList $x2 set x1 [ lindex [ lindex [ lindex $topParms 1 ] 1 ] 0 ] set x2 [ lindex [ lindex [ lindex $topParms 1 ] 1 ] 1 ] puts [ format "%-${width}s %s" $x1 $x2 ] lappend valuesList $x2 set x1 "Time" set x2 [ clock format [ clock seconds ] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ] puts [ format "%-${width}s %s" $x1 $x2 ] lappend valuesList $x2 set x 0 set y [ llength $dataList ] while { $x < $y } { set e [ lindex $dataList $x ] set idIndex [ lsearch -glob $e {*Id*} ] set id [ lindex $e $idIndex ] set pmiDataInfoIndex [ lsearch -glob $e {*PmiDataInfo*} ] set pmiDataInfo [ lindex $e $pmiDataInfoIndex ] set nl [ eval concat [ join $e ] ] set commentIndex [ lsearch -glob $nl {*Comment*} ] set comment [ lindex [ lindex $nl $commentIndex ] 1 ] set valueIndex [ lsearch -glob $e {*Value*} ] set value [ lindex $e $valueIndex ] set value [ lrange $value 1 end ] set lengthValue [ llength $value ] if { $lengthValue == "1" || $lengthValue == "4" } { set p [ lindex [ lindex $value 0 ] 1 ] } else { set p [ lindex [ lindex $value 2 ] 1 ] } puts [ format "%-${width}s %s" $comment $p ] lappend valuesList $p unset p incr x } #write data to DB2. writeData $ConnectionI $valuesList $schema unset valuesList } #################################################################### # proc - write data to database. #################################################################### proc writeData { ConnectionI valuesList schema } { global AdminConfig global AdminControl global null puts "\n**********" puts "writeData" puts "**********\n" set opt1 [java::field ResultSet TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE] set opt2 [java::field ResultSet CONCUR_READ_ONLY ] #puts "\n values list is $valuesList\n" set statement "insert into $schema.wasperformJDBC values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" java::try { set StatementI [ $ConnectionI prepareStatement $statement ] } catch {SQLException SQLExceptionI } { catchSqlException $SQLExceptionI } catch {TclException e } { puts "TCl Exception to prepare statement $e" return -code error } set x 1 foreach i $valuesList { $StatementI setString $x $i #puts $i incr x } #puts "execute sqlQuery" java::try { $StatementI executeUpdate } catch {SQLException SQLExceptionI } { catchSqlException $SQLExceptionI } catch {TclException e } { puts "TCl Exception to prepare statement $e" return -code error } } #################################################################### # proc - sqlException. #################################################################### proc catchSqlException { SQLExceptionI } { global AdminConfig global AdminControl global Help global null puts "\n**********" puts "catchSqlException" puts "**********\n" set sqlCode [ $SQLExceptionI toString ] set sqlMessage [ $SQLExceptionI getMessage ] set errorCode [ $SQLExceptionI getErrorCode ] set sqlState [ $SQLExceptionI getSQLState ] if { $sqlCode != $null } { lappend msgList "sql code is: \t$sqlCode" } if { $sqlMessage != $null } { lappend msgList "sql message is: \t$sqlMessage" } if { $errorCode != $null } { lappend msgList "error code is: \t$errorCode" } if { $sqlState != $null } { lappend msgList "sql state is: \t$sqlState\n" } while { $SQLExceptionI != $null } { puts "\nget SQL Exception\n" set sqlCode [ $SQLExceptionI toString ] set sqlMessage [ $SQLExceptionI getMessage ] set errorCode [ $SQLExceptionI getErrorCode ] set sqlState [ $SQLExceptionI getSQLState ] set SQLExceptionI [ $SQLExceptionI getNextException ] if { $sqlCode != $null } { lappend msgList "sql code is: \t$sqlCode" } if { $sqlMessage != $null } { lappend msgList "sql message is: \t$sqlMessage " } if { $errorCode != $null } { lappend msgList "error code is: \t$errorCode" } if { $sqlState != $null } { lappend msgList "sql state is: \t$sqlState" } } return -code error $msgList } #################################################################### # Main Control. #################################################################### puts "\n argc = $argc \n" if {$argc < 4 } { return -code error "error - not enough arguments supplied. Supply server name, database, schema, driver." } # import required classes java::import java.sql.Connection java::import java.sql.DriverManager java::import java.sql.ResultSet java::import java.sql.SQLWarning java::import java.sql.Statement java::import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData java::import org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver puts "imported classes are:\n" foreach i [java::import] { puts [ format "%-5s %-50s" " " $i ] } # Assume one cell, one deployment manager node and one application node. set cellId [ lindex [ $AdminConfig list Cell ] 0 ] set nodes [ $AdminConfig list Node ] # delete the manager node from the list. set manIndex [ lsearch -glob $nodes *Manager* ] set nodeId [ lindex [ lreplace $nodes $manIndex $manIndex ] 0 ] # get name attribute for cell and application node set cellName [ $AdminConfig showAttribute $cellId name ] set nodeName [ $AdminConfig showAttribute $nodeId name ] set serverName [ lindex $argv 0 ] set databaseName [ lindex $argv 1 ] set schema [ lindex $argv 2 ] set driver [ lindex $argv 3 ] set null [ java::null ] global null if { [ catch { dbconnect $databaseName } r ] == 0 } { while {1} { after 30000 getJDBCInfo $nodeName $serverName $r $schema $driver } $r close } else { puts $r exit 1 }