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todayFile = file ( 'today.htm', 'w' )

print >> todayFile, '<!-- DO NOT edit this file, edit the following file \nJ:\\outlines\\today.py\n -->'

tables = {

'1 Today': """\
basement mold
check libraries
security lights
rethink Internet configuration
PBS Price Pottenger Rae
auto search Hamilton career web sites
Salvation Army form
report to Giammarco
call about DVD warranty
free career counselling to selected candidates
resume to Carole Martin (see ad from HRDC software)

'5 Home Depot': """\
clamp for motor
trenching tool

'2 Giant Tiger':"""\
1/2 &amp; 1/2

'4 Hagersville': """\

'3 Groceries': """\

'6 Libraries': """\
Alexander Fullerton
Champagne Navy
mystery novels
Barbara Hardy: London Lovers
John Buxton Hilton: Displaced Person
Patricia Duncker: Monsieur Shoushana's Lemon Trees
Klemperer (Cohen)

'7 Hamilton': """\
water filter


from string import split

for table in tables :
    print >> todayFile, '<table width="100%" cellspacing="5">'
    print >> todayFile, '<tr><th colspan="3" align="center">%s</th></tr>' % table
    items = [ item for item in split ( tables [ table ], '\n' ) if item ] + 3 * [ '-' ]
    for start in range ( 0, len ( items ), 3 ) :
        if items [ start ] != '-' :
            print >> todayFile, '<tr>',
            for item in items [ start : start + 3 ] :
                print >> todayFile, '<td>%s</td>' % item
        print >> todayFile, '</tr>'
    print >> todayFile, '</table>'
todayFile . close ( )

from win32com.shell.shellcon import *
from win32com.shell import shell

# SHChangeNotify should, I understand, be content with None in each of the final two arguments
# However, since it's not ...
lpil = shell . SHGetSpecialFolderLocation ( 0, CSIDL_DESKTOP )
shell . SHChangeNotify ( SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, lpil, lpil )
