package require TclCurl proc getUrl {curlHandle url} { puts "\n ### getUrl using $url\n" set userAgent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)" puts "\nuserAgent = $userAgent\n" $curlHandle configure -url $url \ -bodyvar body \ -headervar headers \ -failonerror 1 \ -followlocation 1 \ -sslverifypeer 0 \ -useragent $userAgent \ -errorbuffer errorBuffer if { [ catch {$curlHandle perform } r ] == 0} { set httpCode [$curlHandle getinfo httpcode] set contentType [$curlHandle getinfo contenttype] set redirectCount [$curlHandle getinfo redirectcount] set fileTime [$curlHandle getinfo filetime] set effUrl [$curlHandle getinfo effectiveurl] set totalTime [$curlHandle getinfo totaltime] foreach { 1 2 } [ array get headers ] { puts [ format "%-20s = %-20s" $1 $2 ] if { [ regexp -nocase "location" $1 ] == 1 } { set url $2 } if { [ regexp -nocase "Set-Cookie" $1 ] == 1 } { set cookie $2 } } puts "\nLast effective URL = $url" puts "\nCookie returned = $cookie" return $cookie } else { puts "ERROR1" return -code error $errorBuffer } } proc postUrl {curlHandle url postString cookie} { puts "\n postString is $postString" puts "\n ### postUrl using $url\n" puts "\n ### cookie is $cookie\n" set userAgent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)" puts "userAgent = $userAgent" $curlHandle configure -url $url \ -cookie $cookie \ -bodyvar body \ -headervar headers \ -postfields $postString \ -useragent $userAgent \ -failonerror 1 \ -errorbuffer errorBuffer if { [ catch {$curlHandle perform } r ] == 0} { set httpCode [$curlHandle getinfo httpcode] set contentType [$curlHandle getinfo contenttype] set redirectCount [$curlHandle getinfo redirectcount] set fileTime [$curlHandle getinfo filetime] set effUrl [$curlHandle getinfo effectiveurl] set totalTime [$curlHandle getinfo totaltime] foreach { 1 2 } [ array get headers ] { puts [ format "%-20s = %-20s" $1 $2 ] if { [ regexp -nocase "location" $1 ] == 1 } { set url $2 } if { [ regexp -nocase "Set-Cookie" $1 ] == 1 } { set cookie $2 } } puts "\nLast effective URL = $url" puts "\nCookie returned = $cookie" return $cookie } else { puts "ERROR1" return -code error $errorBuffer } } proc getUrlCookie {curlHandle url cookie} { puts "\n ### getUrl using $url\n" puts "\n ### cookie is $cookie\n" set userAgent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)" puts "\nuserAgent = $userAgent\n" $curlHandle configure -url $url \ -bodyvar body \ -headervar headers \ -failonerror 1 \ -followlocation 1 \ -sslverifypeer 0 \ -cookie $cookie \ -useragent $userAgent \ -errorbuffer errorBuffer if { [ catch {$curlHandle perform } r ] == 0} { set httpCode [$curlHandle getinfo httpcode] set contentType [$curlHandle getinfo contenttype] set redirectCount [$curlHandle getinfo redirectcount] set fileTime [$curlHandle getinfo filetime] set effUrl [$curlHandle getinfo effectiveurl] set totalTime [$curlHandle getinfo totaltime] foreach { 1 2 } [ array get headers ] { puts [ format "%-20s = %-20s" $1 $2 ] if { [ regexp -nocase "location" $1 ] == 1 } { set url $2 } if { [ regexp -nocase "Set-Cookie" $1 ] == 1 } { set cookie $2 } } puts "\nLast effective URL = $url" puts "\nCookie returned = $cookie" return $body } else { set httpCode [$curlHandle getinfo httpcode] puts "ERROR: $httpCode" puts $errorBuffer return -code error $errorBuffer } } ###################################### # Set Variables ###################################### set curlHandle [curl::init] ##################################################### # get initial url(login page) and return cookie. # set url ##################################################### set url if {[catch {getUrl $curlHandle $url} r] == 0} { set cookie $r } else { puts "ERROR:" puts $r $curlHandle cleanup exit 1 } ####################################################################### #post userid and password with sessionid to login page #set url ####################################################################### set url set postString "j_username=abcde&j_password=12345&submit=logon" if {[catch {postUrl $curlHandle $url $postString $cookie} r] == 0} { set cookie $r } else { puts "ERROR:" puts $r $curlHandle cleanup exit 1 } ####################################################################### #get protected url(page) #set url ####################################################################### set url if {[catch {getUrlCookie $curlHandle $url $cookie} r] == 0} { set body $r if {[regexp -nocase {\Members Area\<\/title\>} $body] ==1} { set continue true } else { puts "ERROR:" puts $r $curlHandle cleanup exit 1 } } else { puts "ERROR:" puts $r $curlHandle cleanup exit 1 } $curlHandle cleanup