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pypm install tgapp-fbauth

How to install tgapp-fbauth

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install tgapp-fbauth
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Mac OS X (10.5+)
Linux (32-bit)
Linux (64-bit)
0.0.3 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.0.3 on Jan 9th, 2014

About FBAuth

fbauth is a Pluggable Facebook Authentication application for TurboGears2.

It aims at making easy to implement authentication and registration with FaceBook Connect in any TurboGears2 application.


fbauth can be installed both from pypi or from bitbucket:

easy_install tgapp-fbauth

should just work for most of the users

Plugging fbauth

In your application config/app_cfg.py import plug:

from tgext.pluggable import plug

Then at the end of the file call plug with fbauth:

plug(base_config, 'fbauth')

You will be able to add facebook login, registration and connect buttons using the helpers provided by fbauth.

Keep in mind that facebook connect won't work correctly with applications that are not running on port 80

FaceBook Id and Avatar

When using FBAuth users will have a new related entity called fbauth. Accessing user.fbauth it is possible to access the user user.fbauth.facebook_id and user.fbauth.profile_picture.

FBAuth Helpers

fbauth provides a bunch of helpers which will automatically generate the buttons and the javascript required to let your users log into your application using FaceBook Connect:

  • h.fbauth.login_button(appid, text='Login with Facebook', scope=None, remember='')

    Places a login button. Login permits to log with an user that has already been connected with a facebook id. To connect an user to a facebook id, registration or connect can be used.

    The appid parameter has to be the id of your application, if None is provided the FB.init call will be skipped so that FB can be manually initialized.

    The text parameter is the text to show inside the button.

    The scope parameter is the permissions that the application will ask to facebook. By default those are only user data and email.

    The remember parameter can be used to log the user with an expiration date instead of using a session cookie, so that the session can last longer than the browser tab life.

  • h.fbauth.register_button(appid, text='Register with Facebook', scope=None, remember='')

    Places a registration button. Registration automatically creates a new user from its facebook data and logs him in. For registration to work it is required that any additional data apart the data which is already required by default in the quickstart User model can be nullable. A way to identify newly registered users and ask for missing data is provided If an user for the obtained token already exists that user is logged in instead of creating a new user. This permits to implement 1 click registration and login. Newly created users will have both user.fbauth.registered and user.fbauth.just_connected flags at True so that it is possible to identify when users have just registered and ask them more informations that facebook didn't provide. It is suggested to set the just_connected flag to False on post_login handler to correctly track users that have just registered for real.

    The appid parameter has to be the id of your application, if None is provided the FB.init call will be skipped so that FB can be manually initialized.

    The text parameter is the text to show inside the button.

    The scope parameter is the permissions that the application will ask to facebook. By default those are only user data and email.

    The remember parameter can be used to log the user with an expiration date instead of using a session cookie, so that the session can last longer than the browser tab life.

  • h.fbauth.connect_button(appid, text='Connect your Facebook account', scope=None)

    Places a connect account button. Connect permits to associate an already existing user to a facebook account so that it can later log with its facebook account. Newly connected users will have user.fbauth.just_connected flag at True while the user.fbauth.registered flag will be False to differentiate users that have been connected from users that have registered with facebook.

    The appid parameter has to be the id of your application, if None is provided the FB.init call will be skipped so that FB can be manually initialized.

    The text parameter is the text to show inside the button.

    The scope parameter is the permissions that the application will ask to facebook. By default those are only user data and email.

Available Hooks

FBAuth exposes some hooks to alter its behavior, the hooks that can be used with TurboGears2 register_hook are:

  • fbauth.on_registration(facebook_data, user) -> Runs when it is registering a new user from facebook login, permits to add additional data to the user.

FBAuth Utilities

FBAuth provides a bunch of utility methods that make easy to work with facebook:

  • fbauth.lib.has_fbtoken_expired(user)

    Checks if the facebook token for the given users has expired or not, this can be useful when calling facebook API. The facebook token itself can be retrieved from user.fbauth.access_token

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Last updated Jan 9th, 2014

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