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pypm install sketchduino

How to install sketchduino

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install sketchduino
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Mac OS X (10.5+)
0.2.1 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
0.2.1 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.2.1 Available View build log
Apache 2.0
Lastest release
version 0.2.1 on Jul 10th, 2013

The next version of this tool on 07/16/2013 previta to be published at any time, provided that all requirements for the next release is reached.

Build Status PyPy compatible

The Arduino IDE is a very good tool when you are learning to develop for AVR family of microcontrollers, but it becomes a barrier to more structured projects. In view of these difficulties it was decided to create a tool to automate the creation and maintenance of projects.

The sketchduino will create a complete project, a project will be created with the following structure:

  • binary (result of compile processes)
  • lib (custom libraries of projetct future)
  • include (custom libraries of projetct future)
  • src (the code of you project)
  • tmp (temporary files of processes of compiler)

How to install this

To install sketchduino is very simple, as it is a python tool you can install it using the tool easy_install or pip is the second most recommended.

See how we can install using easy_install:

root@host ~/ # easy_install sketchduino

With this command will be installed and its dependencies sketchduino Site Packages Python.

Now see how to install using pip:

root@host ~/ # easy_install sketchduino

With this command will be installed and its dependencies sketchduino Site Packages Python.

How to use this

The sketchduino is a command line tool, but its use is very simple and can be easyly integrated with some good editor such as Vim and SublimeText. Let's see how to use sketchduino.

user@host ~/ $ sketchduino --help
usage: sketchduino [-h] [--processor MCU] [--clock CLOCK] [--sdk SDK_HOME]
                   [--avr AVR_HOME] --cmd COMMAND [--project PROJECT_HOME]
                   [--programer PROGRAMER] [--variant VARIANT]

The Arduino Sketch utiliter

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --processor MCU       The name of Microcontroler Unit.
  --clock CLOCK         The clock of Microcontroler Unit in MHz.
  --sdk SDK_HOME        The path for SDK of arduino.
  --avr AVR_HOME        The path for AVR/GNU compiler.
  --cmd COMMAND         The command for Sketch utility.
  --project PROJECT_HOME
                        The home directory for project.
  --programer PROGRAMER
                        The programer hardware for deploy you firmwire.
  --variant VARIANT     The variante of your arduino.

Command Help

The secret of this tool is are your commands and you can see the list of commands with the following command:

user@host ~/ $ sketchduino --cmd help
Start of Arduino Sketch Utility.
    Performs project build according to the settings, only compiles what
    has changed since the last compilation if cache.

    Performs cleaning the last compilation.

    Command not implemented yet.

    Handles the project.

    Performs cleaning the cache and performs compile a new build complete.

    Displays current configuration information of the project.

    Handles the project.

    Command not implemented yet.

End of Arduino Sketch Utility.

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Last updated Jul 10th, 2013

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