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pypm install s3copy

How to install s3copy

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install s3copy
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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0.0.2 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.0.2 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.0.2 on Mar 31st, 2013

s3copy - multi-threaded, fault-tolerant, bucket-to-bucket copy for s3


Simple example:

s3copy s3://source/path s3://dest/path

All the files in the source bucket contained in path are copied to the destination bucket at the specified path (paths may be omitted for either source or destination).

Some common arguments:

s3copy s3://source/path s3://dest/path -n

The above example is a dry-run (-n), so it does no copying but indicates what copying it would do.

s3copy s3://source/path s3://dest/path -t 20 -l DEBUG -L log.txt

The above example uses 20 threads, prints log messages down to the DEBUG level, and appends its log to a file named log.txt.

s3copy --help

The above example prints help.

Source and Destination Paths

Paths behave similarly to the unix "cp -r" command. Suppose for example that the source bucket contains the following files:


and suppose in each case below that the destination folder is initially empty. Then these commands have these results:

Command Result files in dest
s3copy s3://source s3://dest folder-001/test-001 folder-001/test-002
s3copy s3://source s3://dest/foo foo/folder-001/test-001 foo/folder-001/test-002
s3copy s3://source/folder-001 s3://dest folder-001/test-001 folder-001/test-002
s3copy s3://source/folder-001/* s3://dest test-001 test-002

Globbing support is limited to a single * at the end of a pattern. Internal * and other pattern characters are not supported.

Restart and Sync

s3copy is fault-tolerant and restartable. If a copy run is interrupted or fails for any reason, you can repeat the command and it will complete the operation. It does this by checking the md5s of the individual source and destination files. In this way, s3copy can also be used to sync buckets. If an s3copy command succeeeds and the source bucket subsequently changes, with the addition of new files or changes to existing files, the same command can be run again and only the changes will be copied. Note that additions and changes are supported but deletions are not: if a file is deleted from the source and the command is rerun, the corresponding file in the destination will not deleted.

Multipart File Handling

Amazon S3 can currently store individual files up to a limit of 5 terabytes (http://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/), however files above 5GB must be stored as "multipart" files. Multipart files are created and copied in multiple transactions, using special apis that specify a byte offset and length.

Multipart files present special difficulties for copying:

  • S3 does not expose the md5 of the entire file, nor of its constituent parts. It does report the md5 of a part as it is copied. It also exposes an "etag" of the file, which resembles an md5 hash (discussed further below).
  • S3 does not permit creating a simple, non-multipart file directly from a portion of a multipart file. That is, when copying a portion, both the source and target must be multipart.

In addition, although files larger than 5GB must be multipart, files smaller than 5GB may be. For example, it is faster and more reliable to create a 5GB file (the maximum non-multipart file) in 80 chunks of 64MB each, rather than as a single 5GB file. For these reasons, s3copy handles multipart files bigger and smaller than 5GB.

Multipart files are copied in parts. The default part size is 64MB, but this can be controlled by the -p option. For validation and restartability, the part files are copied in three steps:

  1. Each part is copied to a multipart file with a single part in a temp area on the destination bucket. As noted above, one can not create a single part file directly from a part of a multipart file. As this copy occurs, s3copy keeps the md5 of the part in memory (since, as noted above, S3 does not expose the md5 of a multipart file, even if it has only one part).
  2. Each part is then copied to a temporary simple file. S3 does expose the md5 of this file. s3copy validates that the md5 of the file matches the md5 of the portion which S3 reported in step 1.
  3. The final target file is created as a multipart file from the constituent simple files.

This process means that the data bytes of a multipart file are copied three times, whereas in principle they could have been copied only once, as a multipart copy of the source to the target. The extra copies enable restartability and validation, as follows:

  • Restartability: steps one and two create durable temp files which s3copy can observe to determine which parts of a multipart copy have already occurred.
  • Validation: During the multipart copy in step three, the md5s of each component can be revalidated against the stored md5s of the parts.

It should be noted that only step one involves data transfer between the source and destination buckets. Steps two and three are copies from the destination bucket to itself, and are thus inside the same S3 data center. Data transfer inside a data center is very fast and is (currently) free. Amazon only charges for data transfer between data centers, and this methodology does the minimum cross-data-center copying. The author's experience is that the restartability justifies the longer throughput time.

By default, the temporary files are created in a directory named "temp", named as follows. For each multipart source file, for example, named "source/path/to/file-to-split", we use a directory named "dest/temp/path/to/file-to-split//parts". The versionid is the first 7 characters of the "etag" of the source multi-part file. Inside that directory, the temporary 1-part-multipart files are named "temp-00001", "temp-00002", etc., and the single-part files are named "part-00001", "part-00002", etc. In some situations, such as subsequent transfer to hdfs, retaining the part files may be useful. By default, all these files are retained.

Security and Access

If needed, you can supply two credentials sets to s3copy: one for accessing the source bucket and copying to the destination and one for listing the destination bucket. This is useful for cross-account copying when you are given a set of credentials to access the source, but those credentials can not list the destination. Supply a second set of credentials by using the -d option.

You can grant access to files created on the destination by specifying the --acl-grant option. The grantee must be an email address.

Testing Notes

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 171)

Title underline too short.

Testing Notes

To run the tests, edit the s3copy_test_settings.py for your local environment, then run this command:

python test_s3copy

On-line Help

This is the current built-in on-line help:

s3copy --help

usage: s3copy [-h] [-n] [-f FILE [FILE ...]] [-p PREFIX [PREFIX ...]]
              [-F FILES] [-P PREFIXES] [-a AWS_ACCESS_KEY] [-k AWS_SECRET_KEY]
              [-c S3CFG_FILE] [-d DEST_S3CFG_FILE] [--acl-grant ACL_GRANT]
              [-t NUM_THREADS] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-L LOG_DEST]
              source_bucket [dest_bucket]

Multithreaded multipart copier for Amazon S3

positional arguments:
  source_bucket         source bucket/path
  dest_bucket           destination bucket/path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --dry-run         do no work but report what work would be done
  -f FILE [FILE ...], --file FILE [FILE ...]
                        source file[s] to copy
  -p PREFIX [PREFIX ...], --prefix PREFIX [PREFIX ...]
                        source prefix[es] to copy
  -F FILES, --files FILES
                        file containing a list of files to copy
  -P PREFIXES, --prefixes PREFIXES
                        file containing a list of prefixes to copy
  -a AWS_ACCESS_KEY     AWS Access Key
  -k AWS_SECRET_KEY     AWS Secret Key
  -c S3CFG_FILE, --config_file S3CFG_FILE
                        s3cmd-format config file
  -d DEST_S3CFG_FILE, --dest-config DEST_S3CFG_FILE
                        s3cmd-format config file for destination bucket only
  --acl-grant ACL_GRANT
                        acl to grant as PERMISSION:EMAIL
  -t NUM_THREADS        number of threads (default: 40)
  -l LOG_LEVEL          logging level
  -L LOG_DEST           logging file (appended)

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Last updated Mar 31st, 2013

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