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pypm install repoze.errorlog

How to install repoze.errorlog

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install repoze.errorlog
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
0.9.2 Available View build log
0.9.1 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
0.9.2 Available View build log
0.9.1 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
0.9.2 Available View build log
0.9.1 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
0.9.2 Available View build log
0.9.1 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.9.2 Available View build log
0.9.1 Available View build log
BSD-derived (http://www.repoze.org/LICENSE.txt)
Lastest release
version 0.9.2 on May 23rd, 2012


This package implements a WSGI middleware filter which intercepts exceptions and writes them to a Python logging module channel (or the wsgi.errors filehandle, if no channel is configured). It also allows the browsing of limited exception history via a browser UI.


If you want to use the default configuration, you can just include the filter in your application's PasteDeploy pipeline, e.g.:

pipeline = egg:Paste#cgitb

If you want to override the default configuration, you need to make a separate section for the filter. The Paste configuration options at this time are channel, keep and path. To configure repoze.errorlog to use the Repoze logging channel, which sends to the logging channel as if you had send to a logger from code where you did 'from logging import getLogger; logger = getLogger("Repoze")' and to keep 50 tracebacks around for through-the-web exception viewing, configure like so:

channel = Repoze
keep = 50
path = /__my_error_log__
ignore = RuntimeError my.module:MyError

By default, no channel is configured, and tracebacks are sent to the wsgi.errors file handle (which should cause the errors to show up in your server's error log). By default, the exception history length ('keep') is 20.

By default, the error log's path is /__error_log__; you can change this as necessary for your deployment.

The ignore parameter prevents the exceptions named from being logged or kept in exception history (although they are reraised). By default, no exceptions are ignored.

To use the reconfigured filter in the pipeline:

pipeline = egg:Paste#cgitb

If you don't use PasteDeploy, you can configure the ErrorLog middleware manually:

app = ErrorLog(app, channel=None, keep=20, path='/__error_log__',


To view recent tracebacks via your browser (exception history), visit the /__error_log__ path at the hostname represented by your server. A view will be presented showing you all recent tracebacks. Clicking on one will bring you to a page which shows you the traceback and a rendering of the WSGI environment which was present at the time the exception occurred.


When repoze.errorlog is placed into the pipeline, two keys are placed into the wsgi environment on every request (even when an exception is not raised and caught by repoze.errorlog):

     repoze.errorlog.path -- the path at which the errorlog is configured

     repoze.errorlog.entryid -- the entry id of the next error

Middleware and applications that catch exceptions can compose a URL
to the current error (for helpful development feedback) when they
know repoze.errorlog is in the pipeline by using the following code::

     from paste.request import construct_url
     path = environ['repoze.errorlog.path']
     entry = environ['repoze.errorlog.entryid']
     url = construct_url(environ, path_info=path,
                         querystring='entry=%s' % entry)

Reporting Bugs / Development Versions

Visit http://bugs.repoze.org to report bugs. Visit http://svn.repoze.org to download development or tagged versions.

0.9.2 (2012-03-29)

  • This release is the last which will maintain support for Python 2.4 / Python 2.5.
  • Added support for continuous integration using tox and jenkins.
  • Added support for PyPy.
  • Added 'setup.py dev' alias (runs setup.py develop plus installs nose and coverage).
  • Moved to github.

0.9.1 (2010-05-23)

  • Make it possible to send exceptions to a logger channel as described in the docs; this didn't actually work previously because a) I'm not very good at programming and b) the Python logging module is terrible (using s[-1] and not catching an exception when the string is empty rather than using s.endswith(), at least under Python 2.4).

0.9 (2010-05-23)

  • Bump copyrights.
  • Remove dependency on ez_setup.py.
  • Docs now show how to use ErrorLog outside PasteDeploy.
  • Avoid a dependency on elementtree when used with Python 2.5 and later. In those Python versions we used the built-in xml.etree support.
  • 100% test coverage.

0.8 (2008-06-25)

  • Remove post-mortem debug middleware (moved to repoze.debug).
  • Initial PyPI release.

0.7 (2008-05-21)

  • Add post-mortem debug middleware (egg:repoze.errorlog#pdbpm)
  • Remove versions from dependencies.



  • Depend on elementree 1.2.6 explicitly.


  • Add 'ignore' feature to configuration. A value consisting of space-separated entry point names can be used here, indicating that these exception types should not be logged or kept in exception history.
  • Allow __error_log__ view path to be configured via 'path' entry in Paste configuration.
  • Place 'repoze.errorlog.path' and 'repoze.errorlog.entryid' in the WSGI environment to allow error-catching middleware and apps to compose URLs to errors.


  • 0.2 didn't work as a filter. :-(
  • Don't use zope.pagetemplate, it has too many (potentially conflicting) dependencies. Instead use meld for template views.


  • Provide a TTW view (accessible via '/__error_log__') of recent tracebacks.


  • Initial release.

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Last updated May 23rd, 2012

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