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pypm install pyramid-describe

How to install pyramid_describe

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install pyramid-describe
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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Linux (64-bit)
0.1.21 Available View build log
MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Lastest release
version 0.1.21 on Jan 9th, 2014


2013/09/13: though functional, this package is pretty new... Come back in a couple of weeks if you don't like living on the beta-edge!

A pyramid plugin that describes a pyramid application URL hierarchy, either by responding to an HTTP request or on the command line, via application inspection and reflection. It has built-in support for plain-text hierachies, reStructuredText, HTML, PDF, JSON, YAML, WADL, and XML, however other custom formats can be added easily.

Exposing an application's structure via HTTP is useful to dynamically generate an API description (via WADL, JSON, or YAML) or to create documentation directly from source code.

On the command-line it is useful to get visibility into an application's URL structure and hierarchy so that it can be understood and maintained.


Although pyramid-describe is intended to be able to describe any kind of pyramid application, currently it only supports pyramid-controllers based dispatch.



System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 37)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: bash

  $ pip install pyramid-describe

Command-line example:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 43)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: bash

  $ pdescribe example.ini --format txt
  /                       # The application root.
  ├── contact/            # Contact manager.
  │   ├── <POST>          # Creates a new 'contact' object.
  │   └── {CONTACTID}     # RESTful access to a specific contact.
  │       ├── <DELETE>    # Delete this contact.
  │       ├── <GET>       # Get this contact's details.
  │       └── <PUT>       # Update this contact's details.
  ├── login               # Authenticate against the server.
  └── logout              # Remove authentication tokens.

Examples of the above application in all other formats with built-in support are available at: text (pure-ASCII), reStructuredText, HTML, PDF, JSON, YAML, WADL, and XML.


When pyramid-describe is integrated via inclusion (e.g. config.include('pyramid_describe')), the module will auto-create DescribeController's as defined in the application's settings. The following configurations can be specified there (note that the first one controls the prefix set on the others):

  • describe.prefixes : list(str), default: 'describe'

    Defines the prefix or the list of prefixes that pyramid-describe settings will be searched for in the configuration. For each prefix, a separate DescribeController will be created and attached to the application router. The following example attaches two controllers at /desc-one and /desc-two:

    System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 85)

    Unknown directive type "code-block".

    .. code-block:: ini
      describe.prefixes = describe-one describe-two
      describe-one.attach  = /desc-one
      # other `describe-one` options...
      describe-two.attach  = /desc-two
      # other `describe-two` options...
  • describe.class : resolve-spec, default: pyramid_describe.DescribeController

    Sets the global default Controller class that will be instantiated for each of the stanzas defined in describe.prefixes. Note that this option can be overriden on a per-stanza basis.

  • {PREFIX}.class : resolve-spec, default: describe.class

    Sets the Controller class that will be instantiated for this PREFIX stanza, overriding describe.class.

  • {PREFIX}.attach : str, default: /describe

    Specifies the path to attach the controller to the current application's router. Note that this uses the add_controller directive, and ensures that pyramid-controllers has already been added via an explicit call to config.include(). This path will serve the default format: to request alternate formats, use "PATH/FILENAME.EXT" (where FILENAME is controlled by the {PREFIX}.filename configuration and EXT specifies the format) or use the "format=EXT" query-string. Examples using the default settings:

    System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 117)

    Unknown directive type "code-block".

    .. code-block:: text
  • {PREFIX}.filename : str, default: application

    Sets the filename base component. Typically, this is set to the application's name and should probably include the application version.

  • {PREFIX}.redirect : str, default: null

    Similar to the filename option, this option sets a filename base component that will redirect (with a 302) to the current filename. This allows there to be a persistent known location that can be used if the filename option is dynamic or changes with revisions.

  • {PREFIX}.inspect : str, default: /

    Specifies the top-level URL to start the application inspection at.

    TODO: this does not work.

    WARNING: this does not work.

    SERIOUSLY: this does not work, it only adds the specified path as a URL prefix... doh!

  • {PREFIX}.include : list(regex-spec), default: null

    The include option lists encapsulated regular expressions that an endpoint must match at least one of in order to be included in the output. This option can be used with the exclude option, in which case endpoints are first matched for inclusion, then matched for exclusion (i.e. the order is "allow,deny" in apache terminology).

    Encapsulated regular expressions are expressed in the syntax "/EXPR/FLAGS", where the "/" can be replaced by any character otherwise not found in the rest of the expression. The flags can be any combination of the following characters:

    • i: Case-insensitive matching.
    • l: Use locale-dependent processing (for w, W, etc.).
    • m: Multi-line mode, i.e. "^" and "$" match individual lines.
    • s: The "." matches newlines as well.
    • u: Use the unicode properties db (for w, W, etc.).
    • x: Allow verbose regular expressions.


    System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 169)

    Unknown directive type "code-block".

    .. code-block:: ini
      describe.include = :^/api/:i :^/foo(/.*)?$:
      describe.exclude = :.*/private(/.*)?$:i
  • {PREFIX}.exclude : list(regex-spec), default: null

    The inverse of the include option -- see include for details.

  • {PREFIX}.entries.filters : list(resolve-spec), default: null

    This option specifies a callable (or string in python dot syntax) or list of thereof that filter and modify the entries before they are rendered to the requested format. Each entry that is selected for inclusion for rendering is first passed through each filter and replaced by the return value from the call. This is done for each filter consecutively. If any filter returns None, the entry is removed from the selection list.

    These filters are intended to allow two primary features:

    • Access control: a filter can inspect the entry and the requesting user and determine if the entry should be made visible. If not, it should return None.
    • Custom documentation parsing: a filter can parse the entry's doc attribute (which gets auto-populated with the entry's python documentation string), and extract other information such as expected parameters, return values, and exceptions thrown. Typically, this is done with something like numpydoc.

    Filters are passed two parameters: an entry object (see pyramid_describe.entry.Entry for detailed attributes) and an options dictionary. The latter has many interesting attributes, including a reference to the current request.

    TODO: add documentation about entry and options.

    Note that there is a separate filters option that is used to filter the entire output document, which is format-specific. See the formatting options for details.

  • {PREFIX}.formats : list(str), default: ['html', 'txt', 'pdf', 'rst', 'json', 'yaml', 'wadl', 'xml']

    Specifies the list of formats that can be generated. The default list includes all supported built-in formats, but this can be extended by adding a format to this list and then specifying a template to render the format. For example:

    System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 218)

    Unknown directive type "code-block".

    .. code-block:: ini
      # declare support for HTML, JSON and SWF
      describe.formats = html json swf
      # HTML and JSON are built-in, but SWF needs a custom template
      describe.format.swf.renderer = mypackage:templates/describe-swf.mako

    Note that the "pdf" and "yaml" formats require that optional python package dependencies be installed (respectively pdfkit and PyYAML), and that pdfkit furthermore requires that the wkhtmltopdf program be available.

  • {PREFIX}.format.default : str, default: first format listed in {PREFIX}.formats

    Set the default format if not specified in the request.

  • {PREFIX}.format.{FORMAT}.renderer : asset-spec, default: 'pyramid_describe:template/{FORMAT}.mako'

    Override the default renderer for the specified format using a pyramid-style asset specification. The default is to use the pyramid-describe template with the exception of the structured data formats (JSON, YAML, XML, and WADL), which do not use a template.

    Specifying a renderer pre-empts all other rendering fallback mechanisms.

  • {PREFIX}.format.request : { bool, list(str) }, default: false

    Specifies which options, if any, can be controlled by request parameters. The setting can either be a boolean ("true", "false", etc), or a list of options. If truthy, all options can be specified. If falsy, no options can be specified. Otherwise it is interpreted as a space-separated list of options that can be specified.

    Note that this setting can be overridden on a per-format basis by the format.{FORMAT}.request setting.

  • {PREFIX}.format.{FORMAT}.request : { bool, list(str) }, default: none

    The per-format version of format.request. Note that this completely overrides the format.request setting for the given format, it does not extend it.

  • {PREFIX}.format.default.{OPTION}

    Set a default rendering option for all formats. Note that this can be overridden by request parameters (see the format.request option). See the Options section for a list of all supported options.

  • {PREFIX}.format.override.{OPTION}

    Set a rendering option for all formats that overrides any request parameters. See the Options section for a list of all supported options.

  • {PREFIX}.format.{FORMAT}.default.{OPTION}

    Set a default rendering option for the specified format, which overrides any default value set for all formats. Note that this can be overridden by request parameters (see the format.request option). See the Options section for a list of all supported options.

  • {PREFIX}.format.{FORMAT}.override.{OPTION}

    Set a rendering option for the specified format that overrides any request parameters and any generic format override options. See the Options section for a list of all supported options.


  • showUnderscore : bool, default: false

  • showUndoc : bool, default: true

  • showLegend : bool, default: true

  • showBranches : bool, default: false

  • pruneIndex : bool, default: true

  • showRest : bool, default: true

  • showImpl : bool, default: false

  • showInfo : bool, default: true

  • showName : bool, default: true

  • showDecorated : bool, default: true

  • showExtra : bool, default: true

  • showMethods : bool, default: true

  • showIds : bool, default: true

  • showDynamic : bool, default: true

  • showGenerator : bool, default: true

  • showGenVersion : bool, default: true

  • showLocation : bool, default: true

  • ascii : bool, default: false

  • maxdepth : int, default: 1024

  • width : int, default: 79

  • maxDocColumn : int, default: null

  • minDocLength : int, default: 20

  • cssEmbed : bool, default: true

  • cssPath : { asset-spec, resolve-spec, list({ asset-spec, resolve-spec }) }, default: 'pyramid_describe:template/rst2html.css'

  • rstMax : bool, default: false

  • rstPdfkit : bool, default: true

  • stubFormat : str, default: '{{{}}}'

  • dynamicFormat : str, default: '{}/?'

  • restFormat : str, default: '<{}>'

  • showOutline : bool, default: true

  • pageGrayscale : bool, default: false

  • pageSize : str, default: 'A4'

  • pageOrientation : str, default: 'Portrait'

  • pageMarginTop : str, default: '10mm'

  • pageMarginRight : str, default: '10mm'

  • pageMarginBottom : str, default: '10mm'

  • pageMarginLeft : str, default: '10mm'

  • restVerbs : list(str), default: pyramid_controllers.restcontroller.HTTP_METHODS

    Sets the list of known HTTP methods. This is used during inspection to determine whether a given exposed method on a RestController can be accessed via an HTTP method.

  • filters : list(resolve-spec), default: null

    Unlike the top-level entries.filters setting which filters individual entries as they get selected for rendering, the format-specific filters option is called on the entire data object before final rendering, and is very format-specific in what is made available.

    For the structured-data formats (JSON, YAML, XML, and WADL), the filters are provided the data object created by Describer.structure_render. Each filter is expected to return that object (enhanced in some way), or a new object to replace it.

    For HTML, the filters are provided the result of calling docutils.core.publish_parts during the transformation of rST to HTML. The following "parts" are then joined to form the downstream content, in order:

    • head_prefix
    • head
    • stylesheet
    • body_prefix
    • body_pre_docinfo
    • docinfo
    • body
    • body_suffix

    For PDF, rendering is accomplished from entries to rST to HTML to PDF. Therefore, the filtering occurs during the rST to HTML transformation.

    TODO: add documentation about data and options.

  • encoding : str, default: 'UTF-8'

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Last updated Jan 9th, 2014

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