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pypm install mycloudbackup

How to install mycloudbackup

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install mycloudbackup
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Mac OS X (10.5+)
Linux (32-bit)
0.1.0 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.1.0 Available View build log
New BSD License
Lastest release
version 0.1.0 on Mar 21st, 2013

We use dozens of cloud services on a daily basis. Most of them are a wonderful thing, making our lifes easier and bringing great functionality.

But should you trust these services with all your valued private data? What if one of those services should go down, cease operations, or be hacked?

This program gets all of your precious data from your cloud services, and backs it up to a storage of your choice (your own hard drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, an FTP Server, ...) so you always have a backup if something happens.

You can select the services you use, and back them up to the storage of your choice.

MCB works from the command line, and also has a GUI.


MyCloudBackup supports the following cloud services:

  • Google Gmail - Back up all your Gmail mails into mbox files, does not preserv tags
  • Google Calendar - Back up all your calendars as ical files
  • Dropbox - Back up your entire Dropbox folder
  • Email (Imap) - Back up any IMAP-accesible email account into widely used mbox files
  • Github - Copy all your repositories and their issues
  • Evernote - Back up all your notes and files
  • Facebook - Back up your Facebook conversations, wall posts, photos, etc.


MyCloudBackup supports the following outputs (backup targets):

  • Filesystem - Backup to your own computer
  • Dropbox - Back up to your Dropbox account
  • FTP - Back up to a remote FTP server

Soon to come: * Amazon S3 ...


You can install MyCloudBackup by using setuptools pip Install setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools

On linux systems you would do this:

sudo pip install mycloudbackup


MCB runs well with Python3, but many of the dependencies exist only for Python2. So you should run MCB with python2.

If you have multible pythons on your system, be sure to use the Python2 pip for installing. If your systems default version is Python3, you also need to start MCB with the python2 executable.

for example:

python2 mcb python2 mcb-gui


Usage - GUI

Start the GUI with mcb-gui

The GUI is a work in progress, but the essentials work. You can already add new services and run the backup process.

Usage - CLI

Run mcb -h to show help. You can easily add configuration and run backups with the CLI.

Feedback and Development

MCB is under the New BSD License (see LICENSE.txt).

Bug reports, suggestions and contributions are very welcome. Development happens at https://github.com/theduke/mycloudbackup .


These will automaticall be installed by pip.

Required python packages:

DropboxService: * Dropbox python library: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/sdk

GithubService: * GitPython: https://github.com/gitpython-developers

EvernoteService: * evernote: https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-python

Plugin System

MCB has a modular plugin system, that makes it easy to add new services and outputs.

Will write documentation on how to write plugins soon. For now, just copy an existing one and adapt it.

Starting point for services: mcb/services/github.py
for outputs: mcb/outputs/dropbox.py


Christoph Herzog - chris@theduke.at

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Last updated Mar 21st, 2013

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