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pypm install gocept.registration

How to install gocept.registration

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install gocept.registration
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version 0.3.0 on Jan 5th, 2011

User self-registration

This package provides functionality to implement user self-registration for applications.

The general workflow requires that every user provides at least his email address but additional data may be provided, too. After a user registered, an email is send out asking him to confirm his identity by clicking a link that is embedded in the email. Once a registration is confirmed, the temporarily stored registration data is deleted.

Applications can customize the registration behaviour by subscribing to events for registration and confirmation and providing application-specific views and adapters for registration and email creation.

There is a demo application included in this package/buildout that shows how to use the basic views available to quickly create registration and confirmation views and customized emails for your application. Both the views and the email generation provide a good degree of flexibility so they can be re-used directly, but you can also provide your own.

User self-registration

Registering a user

Registrations are managed by the registrations utility:

>>> from gocept.registration.registrations import Registrations
>>> registrations = Registrations()

We can now register a user by passing his email address and some additional data:

>>> peter = registrations.register('peter@example.com', {'name': u'Peter'})
>>> peter
<gocept.registration.registrations.Registration object at 0x...>

All registrations have a hash that anonymous identifies them, the email and the data attached:

>>> peter.hash
>>> peter.email
>>> peter.data
{'name': u'Peter'}

Peter's registration is contained in the utility identified by the hash:

>>> registrations[peter.hash]
<gocept.registration.registrations.Registration object at 0x...>

Peter can now confirm his registration using the hash that was given to him:

>>> registrations.confirm(peter.hash)

Now that he confirmed his registration, it isn't stored in the utility anymore:

>>> registrations[peter.hash]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: '<SHA-HASH>'
Customizing the Registration Object

When calling the register method, we can also optionally pass in a factory to construct the registration. This is useful when subclassing the Registration class.

>>> from gocept.registration.registrations import Registration
>>> class MyRegistration(Registration):
...     def __init__(self, hash, email, data):
...         assert data.has_key('agentNumber'), 'missing agent number!'
...         super(MyRegistration, self).__init__(hash, email, data)
>>> registrations.register('james@bond.com',
...                        {'name': u'James Bond'},
...                        factory=MyRegistration)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: missing agent number!
>>> registrations.register('james@bond.com',
...                        {'name': u'James Bond',
...                         'agentNumber': u'007'},
...                        factory=MyRegistration)
<MyRegistration object at ...>
Application hooks

There are two hooks that applications can tap into for customizing the registration process:

  • the ObjectAddedEvent for the registration object, and
  • the RegistrationConfirmedEvent when the user confirms his registration

Let's register a subscriber for both events to demonstrate where each is called:

>>> def registered(event):
...     print event, event.object
>>> import zope.component
>>> from zope.app.container.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent
>>> zope.component.provideHandler(registered, (IObjectAddedEvent,))
>>> chuck = registrations.register('chuck@example.com', {'name': u'LeChuck'})
<zope.app.container.contained.ObjectAddedEvent object at 0x...>
<gocept.registration.registrations.Registration object at 0x...>
>>> def confirmed(event):
...     print event, event.registration
>>> from gocept.registration.interfaces import IRegistrationConfirmed
>>> zope.component.provideHandler(confirmed, (IRegistrationConfirmed,))
>>> registrations.confirm(chuck.hash)
<gocept.registration.interfaces.RegistrationConfirmedEvent object at 0x...>
<gocept.registration.registrations.Registration object at 0x...>

Let's clean those registrations up again:

>>> from zope.app.testing import placelesssetup
>>> placelesssetup.tearDown()
Confirmation emails

Sending out registration emails is divided into two parts: creating the email itself, and sending it.

Creating confirmation mails

To provide some central configuration, registrations can be adapted to IRegistrationEmailConfiguration:

>>> from gocept.registration.interfaces import IEmailConfiguration
>>> from gocept.registration.interfaces import IRegistration
>>> class TestConfig(object):
...     zope.interface.implements(IEmailConfiguration)
...     addr_from = "Ad Ministrator <admin@example.com>"
...     confirmation_url = "http://example.com/confirm?hash=%s"
...     confirmation_template = """From: %(from)s
... To: %(to)s
... Subject: Please confirm your registration
... We received your registration. To activate it, please follow this confirmation
... link:
...  %(link)s"""
...     def __init__(self, registration):
...         pass
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(TestConfig, adapts=(IRegistration,))

The confirmation email is created by adapting the registration object to the IRegistrationEmail interface. We provide a simple implementation to start from.

>>> from gocept.registration.email import ConfirmationEmail
>>> mail = ConfirmationEmail(chuck)
>>> print mail.message
From: Ad Ministrator <admin@example.com>
To: chuck@example.com
Subject: Please confirm your registration
We received your registration. To activate it, please follow this confirmation
Sending confirmation mails

We provide a standard event handler that will send out an email for the registration:

>>> from gocept.registration.email import send_registration_mail
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(ConfirmationEmail, (IRegistration,))
>>> zope.component.provideHandler(send_registration_mail, (IRegistration, IObjectAddedEvent,))
>>> from zope.component.event import objectEventNotify
>>> zope.component.provideHandler(objectEventNotify, (IObjectAddedEvent,))
>>> from gocept.registration.tests import DummyMailer
>>> zope.component.provideUtility(DummyMailer())
>>> janine = registrations.register('janine@example.com')
(Ad Ministrator <admin@example.com> -> ['janine@example.com'])
From: Ad Ministrator <admin@example.com>
To: janine@example.com
Subject: Please confirm your registration
We received your registration. To activate it, please follow this confirmation
0.3.0 (2010-06-22)
  • Feature: Allowing passing in a factory to the register of the

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 213)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Registrations object. - Bug: Fixed missing import statement for Contained.

0.2.0 (2008-05-10)
  • Feature: Made coverage report available for package.
  • Feature: Implement a testing registrations component that produces a

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 222)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

predictable hash.

  • Feature: Use IMailDelivery interface instead of IMailer.
0.1.0 (2008-03-28)
  • Initial release.

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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