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pypm install argcomplete

How to install argcomplete

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install argcomplete
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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0.6.0Never BuiltWhy not?
0.4.0 Available View build log
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Apache Software License
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version 0.6.0 on Sep 20th, 2013

Tab complete all the things!

Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script.

It makes two assumptions:

  • You're using bash as your shell
  • You're using argparse to manage your command line arguments/options

Argcomplete is particularly useful if your program has lots of options or subparsers, and if your program can dynamically suggest completions for your argument/option values (for example, if the user is browsing resources over the network).


pip install argcomplete

See Activating global completion below if the second step reports an error.

Refresh your bash environment (start a new shell or source /etc/profile).


Python code (e.g. my-awesome-script.py):

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 31)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import argcomplete, argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

Shellcode (only necessary if global completion is not activated - see Global completion below), to be put in e.g. .bashrc:

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete my-awesome-script.py)"

This method is the entry point to the module. It must be called after ArgumentParser construction is complete, but before the ArgumentParser.parse_args() method is called. The method looks for an environment variable that the completion hook shellcode sets, and if it's there, collects completions, prints them to the output stream (fd 8 by default), and exits. Otherwise, it returns to the caller immediately.

Side effects

Argcomplete gets completions by running your program. It intercepts the execution flow at the moment argcomplete.autocomplete() is called. After sending completions, it exits using exit_method (os._exit by default). This means if your program has any side effects that happen before argcomplete is called, those side effects will happen every time the user presses <TAB> (although anything your program prints to stdout or stderr will be suppressed). For this reason it's best to construct the argument parser and call argcomplete.autocomplete() as early as possible in your execution flow.

Specifying completers

You can specify custom completion functions for your options and arguments. Two styles are supported: callable and readline-style. Callable completers are simpler. They are called with the following keyword arguments:

  • prefix: The prefix text of the last word before the cursor on the command line. All returned completions should begin with this prefix.
  • action: The argparse.Action instance that this completer was called for.
  • parser: The argparse.ArgumentParser instance that the action was taken by.
  • parsed_args: The result of argument parsing so far (the argparse.Namespace args object normally returned by ArgumentParser.parse_args()).

Completers should return their completions as a list of strings. An example completer for names of environment variables might look like this:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 76)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    def EnvironCompleter(prefix, **kwargs):
        return (v for v in os.environ if v.startswith(prefix))

To specify a completer for an argument or option, set the completer attribute of its associated action. An easy way to do this at definition time is:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 84)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    from argcomplete.completers import EnvironCompleter

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--env-var1").completer = EnvironCompleter
    parser.add_argument("--env-var2").completer = EnvironCompleter

If you specify the choices keyword for an argparse option or argument (and don't specify a completer), it will be used for completions.

A completer that is initialized with a set of all possible choices of values for its action might look like this:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 98)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    class ChoicesCompleter(object):
        def __init__(self, choices=[]):
            self.choices = choices

        def __call__(self, prefix, **kwargs):
            return (c for c in self.choices if c.startswith(prefix))

The following two ways to specify a static set of choices are equivalent for completion purposes:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 109)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    from argcomplete.completers import ChoicesCompleter

    parser.add_argument("--protocol", choices=('http', 'https', 'ssh', 'rsync', 'wss'))
    parser.add_argument("--proto").completer=ChoicesCompleter(('http', 'https', 'ssh', 'rsync', 'wss'))

The following script uses parsed_args and Requests to query GitHub for publicly known members of an organization and complete their names, then prints the member description:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 120)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import argcomplete, argparse, requests, pprint

    def github_org_members(prefix, parsed_args, **kwargs):
        resource = "https://api.github.com/orgs/{org}/members".format(org=parsed_args.organization)
        return (member['login'] for member in requests.get(resource).json() if member['login'].startswith(prefix))

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--organization", help="GitHub organization")
    parser.add_argument("--member", help="GitHub member").completer = github_org_members

    args = parser.parse_args()

    pprint.pprint(requests.get("https://api.github.com/users/" + args.member).json())

Try it like this:

./describe_github_user.py --organization heroku --member <TAB>
Readline-style completers

The readline module defines a completer protocol in rlcompleter. Readline-style completers are also supported by argcomplete, so you can use the same completer object both in an interactive readline-powered shell and on the bash command line. For example, you can use the readline-style completer provided by IPython to get introspective completions like you would get in the IPython shell:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 154)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    import IPython
    parser.add_argument("--python-name").completer = IPython.core.completer.Completer()

Printing warnings in completers

Normal stdout/stderr output is suspended when argcomplete runs. Sometimes, though, when the user presses <TAB>, it's appropriate to print information about why completions generation failed. To do this, use warn:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 164)

Unknown directive type "code-block".

.. code-block:: python

    from argcomplete import warn

    def AwesomeWebServiceCompleter(prefix, **kwargs):
        if login_failed:
            warn("Please log in to Awesome Web Service to use autocompletion")
        return completions

Global completion

In global completion mode, you don't have to register each argcomplete-capable executable separately. Instead, bash will look for the string PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK in the first 1024 bytes of any executable that it's running completion for, and if it's found, follow the rest of the argcomplete protocol as described above.

Bash version compatibility

Global completion requires bash support for complete -D, which was introduced in bash 4.2. On older systems, you will need to update bash to use this feature. Check the version of the running copy of bash with echo $BASH_VERSION.


If you use setuptools/distribute scripts or entry_points directives to package your module, argcomplete will follow the wrapper scripts to their destination and look for PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK in the destination code.

Activating global completion

The script activate-global-python-argcomplete will try to install the file bash_completion.d/python-argcomplete.sh (see on GitHub) into an appropriate location on your system (/etc/bash_completion.d/ or ~/.bash_completion.d/). If it fails, but you know the correct location of your bash completion scripts directory, you can specify it with --dest:

activate-global-python-argcomplete --dest=/path/to/bash_completion.d

Otherwise, you can redirect its shellcode output into a file:

activate-global-python-argcomplete --dest=- > file

The file's contents should then be sourced in e.g. ~/.bashrc.


Inspired and informed by the optcomplete module by Martin Blais.


Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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Last updated Sep 20th, 2013

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