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Re: [TCLCORE] Tcl_ObjPrintfVA

From: Donal K. Fellows <dona...@manchester.ac.uk>
Wed, 05 Oct 2011 06:02:40 +0100
On 04/10/2011 19:35, Donald G Porter wrote:
> My questions would be whether we can add these to the Tcl 8.5> stubs table to go into 8.5.11 as a "bug fix" for the TIP 270> implementation?  If there's trouble with that, and they can only go> into 8.6b3, then I'd ask whether anyone wants a TIP to approve it, or> if seeing it as steps needed to complete TIP 270 is sufficient.  I'll> do the TIP if someone wants it, but I'll be lazy if folks will allow it.

I'm content with having the functions be a "bug fix" (you'll want to 
match indexes into the stub table between the versions, of course) as 
I'm pretty sure the reason for their omission was pure oversight. For 
myself, I've never felt the lack directly either or used the other 
functions where a va_list is passed in. Given Joe's comment though, I'd 
also say that it is important to put a note in the documentation about 
being careful to match compilers when using the API; such a note 
probably also belongs against the existing Tcl_*VA() functions.


fn:Donal K. Fellows
org:The University of Manchester;Research Computing Services
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