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DBAPI Paramstyle

From: Bob Parnes <rpar...@megalink.net>
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:44:11 -0000
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:03:13 +0100, Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at pythonware.com> \
> Bob Parnes wrote:> >> I must be missing something, so perhaps someone can explain>> the benefit of a paramstyle over the usual Python formatting>> style and maybe suggest a test to show it. Thanks.> > set the parameter to "0; DROP DATABASE template1;" and see what> happens.> > or set it to os.urandom(1000) and run your test a couple of times to see> what happens.> 

Thanks for the suggestion. My system does not appear to contain an
os.urandom() method. It has a /dev/urandom device, but I don't know how to
use it for this purpose, except perhaps to select the first byte that it

I have a mediocre talent at programming, which is why I chose python.
For me it was a good choice. I note this so that I hope you understand why
I say that I don't know what you are driving at. My understanding is that a 
paramstyle is more efficient than the traditional python approach for repeated 
use of a query. If so, then I do not see how the choice of a parameter is
relevant. If it is more efficient only in a specific abstract case, then
one would have to look for other reasons to use it in a practical application.

Bob Parnes

Bob Parnes
rparnes at megalink.net

Recent Messages in this Thread
Bob Parnes Mar 24, 2005 01:45 pm
Fredrik Lundh Mar 24, 2005 02:03 pm
Bob Parnes Mar 25, 2005 01:44 pm
Tim Roberts Mar 26, 2005 08:54 am
wood...@rocketmail.com Mar 26, 2005 10:16 am
Scott David Daniels Mar 26, 2005 02:27 pm
Andy Dustman Mar 28, 2005 09:43 pm
Gerhard Haering Mar 28, 2005 10:57 pm
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