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Komodo 7.0.2 update now available

From: Todd Whiteman <tod...@activestate.com>
Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:22:51 -0700

The Komodo IDE/Edit 7.0.2 update is now available. Existing Komodo 7 
users can use the  '/Help -> Check for Updates.../' menu to update, 
otherwise you can download it directly from here:


Komodo 7.0.2 is primarily a bug fix release, with the major changes being:

  * Node.js debugging fixes, speed improvements and better breakpoint
  * For Linux, providing icon fallbacks when Gnome icons are not available
  * Better source code control handling with Subversion and Perforce
  * Syntax Checking fixes for PHP, PyLint and Less
  * Added Tcl support to the Rx Toolkit
  * Editor improvements for Django and EPMojo languages
  * Keybinding tweaks for Emacs and Vi schemes

You can view the release notes for a full list of changes in Komodo 7.0.2:


All changes/updates made to Komodo IDE 7 are available for free to 
Komodo IDE 7.x license holders. Your license also entitles you to run 
Komodo IDE on any of the platforms we support (Windows, Mac OS X and 
Linux). Komodo Edit is, as ever, completely open-source and free.

Sale note: You'll *save $50* if you purchase or upgrade Komodo IDE 7 
before March 31st, 2012.

You can contact us about Komodo 7 questions and problems using any of 
the mediums below:

forums http://community.activestate.com/products/Komodo
email http://listserv.activestate.com/mailman/listinfo/komodo-discuss
bugs http://bugs.activestate.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Komodo
irc irc://irc.mozilla.org/#komodo


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Todd Whiteman Mar 21, 2012 08:22 pm