Popular recipes by Will Ware http://code.activestate.com/recipes/users/126911/2006-12-15T06:28:20-08:00ActiveState Code RecipesRestrictive APIs for Python (Python) 2006-12-15T06:28:20-08:00Will Warehttp://code.activestate.com/recipes/users/126911/http://code.activestate.com/recipes/499329-restrictive-apis-for-python/ <p style="color: grey"> Python recipe 499329 by <a href="/recipes/users/126911/">Will Ware</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/debugging/">debugging</a>). </p> <p>Python has no inherent provision for a restrictive API that blocks accesses to methods and variables outside an allowed set. Inexperienced Python programmers may fail to adhere to an agreed-upon API, directly accessing the private internals of a class. Adherence to defined APIs is a good thing. This function allows a class to specify its API, and raise AttributeErrors for disallowed accesses.</p> Render farm script (Python) 2006-08-22T09:10:49-07:00Will Warehttp://code.activestate.com/recipes/users/126911/http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496982-render-farm-script/ <p style="color: grey"> Python recipe 496982 by <a href="/recipes/users/126911/">Will Ware</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/distributed/">distributed</a>). </p> <p>This script runs a render farm on a bunch of networked machines, each with SSHD running, and POV-Ray and ImageMagick installed. The host machine uses mpeg2encode and ffmpeg to produce a MP4 video file, which I transfer to the Mac to burn a DVD. To keep life simple, I clone the same .ssh directory on all the machines.</p> Yet another object browser (text based) (Python) 2006-08-22T15:48:56-07:00Will Warehttp://code.activestate.com/recipes/users/126911/http://code.activestate.com/recipes/475138-yet-another-object-browser-text-based/ <p style="color: grey"> Python recipe 475138 by <a href="/recipes/users/126911/">Will Ware</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/debugging/">debugging</a>). Revision 2. </p> <p>Here's a text-based object browser that is helpful when working with big complicated data structures.</p> Cubic spline interpolator (Python) 2005-11-23T09:52:34-08:00Will Warehttp://code.activestate.com/recipes/users/126911/http://code.activestate.com/recipes/457658-cubic-spline-interpolator/ <p style="color: grey"> Python recipe 457658 by <a href="/recipes/users/126911/">Will Ware</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/algorithms/">algorithms</a>). </p> <p>Accepts a function to be approximated, and a list of x coordinates that are endpoints of interpolation intervals. Generates cubic splines matching the values and slopes at the ends of the intervals. Can generate fairly fast C code, or can be used directly in Python.</p>