Tags: javascript x
10k1JavaScript WebSocket client for Python + Go WebSocket-based system monitoring exampleJavaScript / golang, javascript, linux, python, sysadmin, unix, websockets, windows / by Vasudev Ram (10 years ago)
3k1Revisiting "Revenge of the auto-wrap": Another toggle-macroJavaScript / autowrap, javascript, komodo, togglemacro / by Eric Promislow (13 years ago, revision 2)
8k3Komodo JS Macro - insert a relative path from the current editor fileJavaScript / javascript, komodo, macro, path, relative / by Todd Whiteman (12 years ago, revision 3)
5k3Komodo JS Macro - increase the number of code completion items shownJavaScript / codeintel, completions, javascript, komodo, macro, toddw / by Todd Whiteman (12 years ago, revision 2)
4k1Komodo JS Macro - force the focus back onto the editor after an alt-tabJavaScript / focus, javascript, komodo, macro, setfocus, tab, window / by Todd Whiteman (14 years ago)
6k4Komodo JS Macro - show svn blame for the current editor lineJavaScript / blame, javascript, komodo, macro, scc, subversion, svn, toddw / by Todd Whiteman (11 years ago, revision 4)
6k0Komodo JS Macro - show custom code completionsJavaScript / code, codeintel, completions, javascript, komodo, macro, scintilla, toddw / by Todd Whiteman (14 years ago)