This is a Priority Queue based on a heap data strucuture. Elements come out of the queue least first. The heap is a complete binary tree with root at _a[1] and, for a node N, its parent is _a[N>>1] and children are _a[2N] and _a[2N+1].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 | class PriQueue:
"""Least-first priority queue (elements must be comparable).
To use another ordering, fix the three places marked # comparison.
q=PriQueue(lst) Creates a priority queue with all entries in list
i=len(q) count of values in queue
q.push(v) Add entry to queue
vb=q.cream(v) Add v to queue, and then remove and return the least entry. view least entry in queue
v=q.pop() remove and return least entry in queue
v=q.pops() remove& return all entries in the queue (least first).
v=q.pops(i) remove&return the i least entries in the queue (least first).
v=q.pops(-i) remove&return all but the i greatest entries in the queue
(least first).
def __init__(self, data=[]):
"""create a new priority Queue (build heap structure)"""
self._a = [None] * (1 + len(data))
for i in range(1, len(self._a)):
self._bubbleup(i, data[i-1])
def __len__(self):
"""number of elements currently in the priority queue"""
return len(self._a)-1
def top(self):
"""view top item v w/o removing it"""
return self._a[1]
def pop(self):
"""pop v from PQ and return it."""
a = self._a
result = a[1]
leaf = self._holetoleaf(1)
if leaf != len(self):
a[leaf] = a[-1]
self._bubbleup(leaf, a[-1])
self._a = a[:-1]
return result
def pops(self, maxRemove=None):
"""pop maxRemove elements from PQ and return a list of results
If maxRemove < 0, all but maxRemove elements. If >= 0,
remove at most maxRemove elements (max len, of course).
If None, remove all elements. The result list is "best" first."""
if maxRemove is None:
maxRemove = len(self)
elif maxRemove < 0:
maxRemove += len(self)
elif maxRemove > len(self):
maxRemove = len(self)
result = [None] * maxRemove
for i in range(maxRemove):
result[i] = self.pop()
return result
def push(self, v):
"""Add entry v to priority queue"""
self._bubbleup(len(self), v)
def pushes(self, lst):
"""Add all elements in lst to priority queue"""
pos = len(self)
self._a += lst
for leaf in range(pos, len(self._a)):
self._bubbleup(leaf, self._a[leaf])
def cream(self, v):
"""Replace top entry in priority queue with v, then return best"""
if 0 < len(self) and self._a[1] < v: # comparison with v
r = self._a[1]
leaf = self._holetoleaf(1)
self._bubbleup(leaf, v)
r = v
return r
def _drop(self, node):
"""drop an entry from PQ."""
leaf = self._holetoleaf(node)
if leaf != len(self):
self._a[leaf] = self._a[-1]
del self._a[-1]
def _holetoleaf(self, node):
"""Drive the empty cell at node to the leaf level. Return position"""
limit = len(self)
a = self._a
kid = node * 2
while kid < limit:
if not a[kid] < a[kid + 1]: # comparison
kid += 1
a[node] = a[kid]
node = kid
kid = node * 2
if kid == limit:
a[node] = a[kid]
return kid
return node
def _bubbleup(self, node, v):
"""a[i] is as low as v need be. Bubble it up."""
a = self._a
while node > 1:
parent = node >> 1
if not v < a[parent]: # comparison
a[node] = a[parent]
node = parent
a[node] = v
def _push(self, v, i):
"""Add entry v to priority queue replacing position i"""
leaf = self._holetoleaf(i)
self._bubbleup(leaf, v)
def __repr__(self):
return ''.join([self.__class__.__name__, '(', repr(self._a[1:]), ')'])
A priority queue can be used as the heart of a time-based simulation. Tasks are added with the time to perform them; the top of the queue is always the next thing to do. The "cream" operation is for a very common simulation operation: an element is removed and replaced with a new priority. "Cream" saves the deallocate/allocate operations that come with such an operation.
In this code the whole entry is compared. Often you have a priority/value pair. In such cases (if priorities can be equal), you should change the comparison to look only at priorities. There are three places (each marked "# comparison") to do so. The test should be "strictly less than" (false on equal) for best performance.
"cream" can be used to get the "largest N" entries in a list as follows: pq = PriQueue(list[:N]) for v in list[N:]: pq.cream(v) largestN = pq.pops()
Don't ry to speed up the code by not going all of the way to a leaf: at least half of every binary tree is at a leaf, so you'll usually wind up there. If you slow down the comparisons getting to the leaf, you'll not recover the performance by not going as deep.
f you're looking for an API similar to that provided by a priority queue, check out the sortedcontainers module. It implements sorted list, sorted dict, and sorted set data types in pure-Python and is fast-as-C implementations (even faster!). Learn more about sortedcontainers, available on PyPI and github.