# poToolhelp.tcl
# Simple package to implement a toolhelp widget.
# Paul Obermeier, 2001.
package provide poToolhelp 1.0
namespace eval ::poToolhelp {
namespace export AddBinding
namespace export Init
variable topWidget
proc ::poToolhelp::Init { w { bgColor lightyellow } { fgColor black } } {
variable topWidget
# Create Toolbar help window with a simple label in it.
if { [winfo exists $w] } {
destroy $w
toplevel $w
set topWidget $w
label $w.l -text "This is toolhelp" -bg $bgColor -fg $fgColor -relief ridge
pack $w.l
wm overrideredirect $w true
wm geometry $w [format "+%d+%d" -100 -100]
proc ::poToolhelp::ShowToolhelp { x y str } {
variable topWidget
$topWidget.l configure -text $str
raise $topWidget
wm geometry $topWidget [format "+%d+%d" $x [expr $y +10]]
proc ::poToolhelp::HideToolhelp {} {
variable topWidget
wm geometry $topWidget [format "+%d+%d" -100 -100]
proc ::poToolhelp::AddBinding { w str } {
variable topWidget
if { ![info exists topWidget]} {
Init .poToolhelp
bind $w <Enter> "::poToolhelp::ShowToolhelp %X %Y [list $str]"
bind $w <Leave> "::poToolhelp::HideToolhelp"
bind $w <Button> "::poToolhelp::HideToolhelp"
catch {puts "Loaded Package poToolhelp (File [info script])"}
# Demo code. Uncomment for testing.
# package require poToolhelp
# pack [button .b -text "This is a button"] -fill x -expand 1
# ::poToolhelp::AddBinding .b "Toolhelp for a button"
# pack [label .l -text "This is a label"] -fill x -expand 1
# ::poToolhelp::AddBinding .l "Toolhelp for a label"
# set eVar "This is a entry"
# pack [entry .e -textvariable eVar] -fill x -expand 1
# ::poToolhelp::AddBinding .e "Toolhelp for a entry"
# pack [button .q -text "Quit" -command exit] -fill x -expand 1
# ::poToolhelp::AddBinding .q "Really want to quit this fabulous program ?"