Get those direct keystrokes here by leveraging the power of stty!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | # Helper procedure
proc stty args {
eval [list exec /bin/stty <@/dev/tty] $args
proc yesOrNo {prompt} {
# Save the current state; makes it easier to reset!
set savedStty [stty -g]
# Turn off echoing and turn on raw input
stty -echo raw
# Prompt!
puts -nonewline "$prompt [Y/N] "
flush stdout
set answer ?
# Get input as yes or no, or sound the terminal bell...
while {1} {
switch [string tolower [read stdin 1]] {
y {set answer yes; puts YES; break}
n {set answer no; puts NO; break}
default {puts -nonewline \a; flush stdout}
# Put things back as they were; this is IMPORTANT!
stty $savedStty
return $answer
if {[yesOrNo "Frobnicate the manglewurzel?"]} {
frobnicate manglewurzel
This works on Solaris, and probably does on other UNIX platforms though I can't be sure of that. It definitely does not work on Windows...
Uses (aside from the above) might include getting passwords (which just requires turning off echo) and asking any other question which can have a single-letter answer.
Tags: platform
Solaris 5.7 tclsh8.0 fixes to the above script.