This module , does not take any i/p file. It first does a net view command , and gets the list of computers in the domain. Connects to each computer , performs size check and returns the size of the harddisk. Please note that , the file and dir sizes are caluclated in DOS. Windows performs a sort of approximation. So there will be slight variation in the amount of space reported by DOS and Windows. If I am not wrong DOS gives u the best values.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | """
Author : Ratnakar Malla
This module , does not take any i/p file. It first does a net view
command , and gets the list of computers in the domain. Connects
to each computer , performs size check and returns the size of the
harddisk. Please note that , the file and dir sizes are caluclated
in DOS. Windows performs a sort of approximation. So there will be
slight variation in the amount of space reported by DOS and Windows.
If I am not wrong DOS gives u the best values.
import win32net
import string
import fpformat
import os
import calendar
f=os.popen("net view")
for x in f.readlines():
if x.startswith("\\"):
string.replace(compName,"\\"," ")
print "Now working on : ",cName
print "Z: Drive already exists, deleting ... "
print "Starting .."
server=cName+ '\\' + 'c$'
win32net.NetUseAdd(None,1,{'remote': server,'local':'Z:'})
print "Start Time : %s:%s:%s" % (hr,min,sec)
print "Connected to Z: drive ..."
myStr=os.popen("dir /s /-C z:\\").readlines()
print "reading lines into mystr...."
print "Used Space: %s GB" % UsedSpace
print "Free Space: %s GB" % FreeSpace
print "Total Space: %s GB" % TotalSpace
print "End Time : %s:%s:%s" % (hr1,min1,sec1)
print "Could not connect to computer %s" % server
I made use of Matt Keranen program,"Windows free drive space report " , and made some modifications. A few days back my boss wanted me to write a prog, so that we can get the Hard Disk Info for each of the computers in the N/w w/o having to log on each computer manually. I tried to use Matt's prog as is , but it requires the Hard Disk Volume info, which unfortunately I could not have it. The only info, I have is the computer Name. I wrote this script , which recursively calls the "dir" DOS command. The "dir" when it finishes gives u the total size of all the files put together and the free space available. Since in a networked environment all the files are on the server, it is not that slow.
Why map drive Z:\ ? I am using a Win2000 Professional box and I can type dir /s \remoteserver\c$ and get the directory info. I can also md, rd, del, and copy from my local box to the remote server on the command line. copy c:\somefile.txt \remoteserver\c$\temp works. It is a good script and I will be modifying to work with the 57 Domain Controllers here.
The same with win32com.client.