This is an example of how to write a stack and then employ that stack to have a stack for use in an RPN calculator. Among other things, this shows how classes work and how to make classes that are like types.
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rb_stack 1.0: A (less and less) simple stack class.
Copyright (C) 2000 Gordon Worley.
To contact me, please visit my Web site at <> or e-mail me at <>.
1.0 - Added trigonometric functions and inverse.
0.9 - Updated for Python 2.0. Uses the new self modifying math operators (+=, *=, **=, etc.).
0.8 - Added neg_all() to RPN_Stack.
0.7.9 - Oops, found bug in do all methods. Called flush() as an attribute rather than as a function.
0.7.8 - Added negation function.
0.7.7 - Added functions to do operations to all registers in stack.
0.7.1 - Removed some error handeling. Eventually all will be removed to make it easier for implimentations to display errors.
0.7 - Added math to RPN_Stack. Removed math from
0.6.5 - Added flush to Stack.
0.6.4 - Found and squashed bug in roll up/down functions in Stack.
0.6.3 - Pop now allows multiple pops using extra optional argument.
0.6.2 - Added register roll functions to RPN_Stack.
0.6 - Created RPN_Stack to add RPN specific stack functions. Moved flip_xy to RPN_Stack.
0.5.3 - Added flip_xy
0.5.2 - Added stack roll functions.
0.5 - Complete rewrite. Thanks to Programming Python for some sample code in building this stack class.
0.1 - A few bug fixes and added flip_xy. Initial release.
0.0 - Just a few built-in methods overridden.
import math #this is just until I can get it to import only in RPN_Stack
class Stack:
def __init__(self, start=[]):
self.stack = []
for x in start: self.push(x)
#these first few carry out basic stack functions. always necessary
def push(self, item):
self.stack = [item] + self.stack
def pop(self, num_of_loops=1):
while curr_loop < num_of_loops:
x, self.stack = x + [self.stack[0]], self.stack[1:]
pass #return "error: stack underflow"
curr_loop += 1
return tuple(x)
def empty(self): #returns true if stack is empty
return not self.stack
def flush(self):
self.stack = []
#some extra stack functions that make things nicer
def roll_down(self):
print "error: stack underflow"
def roll_up(self):
print "error: stack underflow"
#okay, enough of that. now to overload opperators
def __repr__(self):
return '%s' % self.stack
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.stack, other.stack)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.stack)
def __add__(self, other):
return Stack(self.stack + other.stack)
def __mul__(self, reps):
return Stack(self.stack * reps)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.stack[index]
def __getslice__(self, low, high):
return Stack(self.stack[low:high])
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.stack, name)
class RPN_Stack(Stack):
def getx(self): #get x register (bottom)
return "error: stack underflow"
return self.stack[0]
def gety(self): #get y register
return "error: stack underflow"
return self.stack[1]
def getz(self): #get z register
return "error: stack underflow"
return self.stack[2]
def gett(self): #get t register (top)
return "error: stack underflow"
return self.stack[3]
#roll the stack around
def roll_regs_down(self):
try: #try with all four registers
self.stack[0], self.stack[1], self.stack[2], self.stack[3]=self.stack[1], self.stack[2], self.stack[3], self.stack[0]
try: #well, maybe there are just three
self.stack[0], self.stack[1], self.stack[2]=self.stack[1], self.stack[2], self.stack[0]
except: #if there aren't two, the stack is too small
def roll_regs_up(self):
try: #try with all four registers
self.stack[0], self.stack[1], self.stack[2], self.stack[3]=self.stack[3], self.stack[0], self.stack[1], self.stack[2]
try: #well, maybe there are just three
self.stack[0], self.stack[1], self.stack[2]=self.stack[2], self.stack[0], self.stack[1]
except: #if there aren't two, the stack is too small
def flip_xy(self): #flip the x and y registers
self.stack[0], self.stack[1] = self.stack[1], self.stack[0]
print "error: stack underflow"
#do some math
def add(self):
newx = self.gety() + self.getx()
self.pop(2); self.push(newx)
def sub(self):
newx = self.gety() - self.getx()
self.pop(2); self.push(newx)
def mul(self):
newx = self.gety() * self.getx()
self.pop(2); self.push(newx)
def div(self):
newx = self.gety() / self.getx()
self.pop(2); self.push(newx)
def modulo(self):
newx = self.gety() % self.getx()
self.pop(2); self.push(newx)
def pow(self): #raise y register to the x power
newx = self.gety()**self.getx()
self.pop(2); self.push(newx)
def neg(self): #negate
newx = -self.getx()
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def sin(self):
newx = math.sin(self.getx())
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def cos(self):
newx = math.cos(self.getx())
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def tan(self):
newx = math.tan(self.getx())
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def arcsin(self):
newx = math.asin(self.getx())
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def arccos(self):
newx = math.acos(self.getx())
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def arctan(self):
newx = math.atan(self.getx())
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
def inverse(self):
newx = 1 / self.getx()
self.pop(); self.push(newx)
#same as above, but acting over whole list
def add_all(self):
for x in self.stack[1:]:
newx += x
self.flush(); self.push(newx)
def sub_all(self):
for x in self.stack[1:]:
newx -= x
self.flush(); self.push(newx)
def mul_all(self):
for x in self.stack[1:]:
newx *= x
self.flush(); self.push(newx)
def div_all(self):
for x in self.stack[1:]:
newx /= x
self.flush(); self.push(newx)
def modulo_all(self):
for x in self.stack[1:]:
newx %= x
self.flush(); self.push(newx)
def pow_all(self):
for x in self.stack[1:]:
newx **= x
self.flush(); self.push(newx)
def neg_all(self):
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = -self.stack[index]
index += 1
def sin_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = math.sin(self.stack[index])
index += 1
def cos_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = math.cos(self.stack[index])
index += 1
def tan_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = math.tan(self.stack[index])
index += 1
def arcsin_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = math.asin(self.stack[index])
index += 1
def arccos_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = math.acos(self.stack[index])
index += 1
def arctan_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = math.atan(self.stack[index])
index += 1
def inverse_all(self):
index = 0
while index < len(self.stack):
self.stack[index] = 1 / self.stack[index]
index += 1
Many people prefer to use RPN calculators, so it is necessary to impliment a stack first to build one on the computer. More importantly, this shows how to modify the general stack class for a specific purpose stack, and specific kinds of stacks are often useful in many different kinds of programs.
The code is implimented as it is because this seemed the most obvious way to me to write the code (or at least at the time of its writing). Error handling isn't so good just yet, but otherwise the code is pretty solid. It could support more operators, but the code is very modular and could easily be updated to support more complex operations.
It may be useful to learn more about RPN before trying to understand this sample. Try doing a search for RPN and several pages should come up explaining it and how it works.