PyMuPDF (fitz) provides easy to use ways to create PDF documents out of simple texts.
An example is the text output of Python's calendar module. Here we take a starting year as script parameter and output a 3-page (A4 landscape) document with calendars for this and the following two years - in less than 20 lines of code.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | import fitz
import calendar
import sys
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, "need start year as the one and only parameter"
startyear = sys.argv[1]
assert startyear.isdigit(), "year must be positive numeric"
startyear = int(startyear)
assert startyear > 0, "year must be positive numeric"
doc =
cal = calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(locale = "de") # choose your locale
w, h = fitz.PaperSize("a4-l") # get sizes for A4 landscape paper
txt = cal.formatyear(startyear, m = 4)
doc.insertPage(-1, txt, fontsize = 12, fontname = "Courier", width = w, height = h)
txt = cal.formatyear(startyear + 1, m = 4)
doc.insertPage(-1, txt, fontsize = 12, fontname = "Courier", width = w, height = h)
txt = cal.formatyear(startyear + 2, m = 4)
doc.insertPage(-1, txt, fontsize = 12, fontname = "Courier", width = w, height = h)"Kalender.pdf", garbage = 4, deflate = True)
Have a look at PyMuPDF's home page to see how a different mono-spaced font can be used. There are lots nicer than PDF's "Courier" ...
The only prerequisite is that you have the fontfile available on your system.