from __future__ import print_function
import fitz
import sys
assert len(sys.argv) == 2,"usage: python %s text.file" % (sys.argv[0],)
ifn = sys.argv[1]
ofn = ifn + ".pdf" # name of PDF output
# A very basic text-to-PDF converter.
width = 595 # these are DIN-A4
height = 842 # portrait values
fontsz = 10 # font size
font = "Courier" # choose a Base 14 font here
lineheight = fontsz * 1.2 # line height is 20% larger than fontsize
# this yields the following lines per page:
nlines = int((height - 108.0) / lineheight + 0.5) - 1
sourcefile = open(ifn) # we are going to convert this file
line_ctr = 0
total_ctr = 0
out_buf = ""
doc = # new empty PDF
def page_out(b):
doc.insertPage(-1, fontsize = fontsz, text = b, fontname = font,
width = width, height = height)
while 1:
line = sourcefile.readline()
if line == "": break
out_buf += line
line_ctr += 1
total_ctr += 1
if line_ctr == nlines:
out_buf = ""
line_ctr = 0
if len(out_buf) > 0:
print("Statistics for PDF conversion of", ifn)
print(total_ctr, "lines read / written,", nlines, "lines per page.")
print(ofn, "contains", len(doc), "pages."), garbage=4, deflate=True)