This function is given a Python dictioanry and a list of string / unicode values. It will check whether all dictionary keys occur in this list and will return 1 (true) or 0 (false).
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// Return set(dict.keys()).issubset(set([vkeys, ...])
// keys of dict must be string or unicode in Py2 and string in Py3!
// Parameters:
// dict - the Python dictionary object to be checked
// vkeys - a null-terminated list of keys (char *)
int checkDictKeys(PyObject *dict, const char *vkeys, ...)
int i, j, rc;
PyObject *dkeys = PyDict_Keys(dict); // = dict.keys()
if (!dkeys) return 0; // no valid dictionary
j = PySequence_Size(dkeys); // len(dict.keys())
PyObject *validkeys = PyList_New(0); // make list of valid keys
va_list ap; // def var arg list
va_start(ap, vkeys); // start of args
while (vkeys != 0) // reached end yet?
{ // build list of valid keys to check against
PyList_Append(validkeys, PyBytes_FromString(vkeys)); // Python 2
PyList_Append(validkeys, PyUnicode_FromString(vkeys)); // python 3
vkeys = va_arg(ap, const char *); // get next char string
va_end(ap); // end the var args loop
rc = 1; // prepare for success
for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
{ // loop through dictionary keys
if (!PySequence_Contains(validkeys, PySequence_GetItem(dkeys, i)))
rc = 0;
return rc;
The code represents the truth value of Python expression set(dict.keys()).issubset(set(list))
Only string or unicode dictionary keys are supported.
Tags: c_interface, python