# Recursive file compare utility for Windows.
# Calls diff.exe or fc.exe for each file found.
# Updated by John Brearley Apr 2017
# email: brearley@bell.net
# email: jrbrearley4@gmail.com
# License: This script is free to use, modify and/or redistribute,
# however you MUST leave the author credit information above as is
# and intact.
# Support: Available on a best effort basis.
# Notes
# 1) For Win10, when you reboot with Repair disk, you cant run TCL from the command prompt.
# There is something about the Repair DOS environment that does not let even a command line
# oriented program to run. Same goes for Windows Powershell.
# 2) Need to try on Win7 Repair disk some time...
# 3) Some files are locked, so cant be read, eg c:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT
# and FC gives misleading error about "no such file", even though it is visible.
# 4) regedit.exe is a perennial failure, but manually compares OK with fc.exe.
# 5) Upgrading TCL from 8.63b (Nov 2012) to (Jan 2017) really reduced the number of errors
# flagged, as the fc.exe retry mechanism shows many files are identical, even if diff.exe does
# NOT agree. This is the fcr counter counter in the stats summary.
#==================== check_file_name ==================================
# Check if file is a constantly changing Windows or Norton file. These
# files are often locked down from even admin access, and cant be readily
# updated.
# Returns: "windows" | "norton" | "other"
proc check_file_name {file} {
# NB: The categories used here MUST be kept in sync with ::cat_list !!!
# Look for selected Windows or Norton directories.
# NB: Some of the regexp patterns here rely on having the full file pathname!
if {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z]:/?(ProgramData|Program\s*Files).*(Microsoft|Windows)} $file]} {
return "windows"
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z]:/?(Windows|Users.*(Microsoft|Windows))} $file]} {
return "windows"
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {(hiberfil|pagefile|swapfile).*sys$} $file]} {
return "windows"
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z]:/?(ProgramData|Program\s*Files).*Norton} $file]} {
return "norton"
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z]:/?Users.*/Norton} $file]} {
return "norton"
} else {
# Catchall for everything else.
return "other"
#==================== cleanup ==========================================
# Cleanup exit routine
proc cleanup { } {
# log summary details
set total_min [expr int(([clock seconds] - $::start_sec)/60)]
log_info "\n[timestamp] $::self All done, $::error_cnt errors, $::nolog_cnt nolog, $::warning_cnt warn\
\npattern=$::pattern src_dir=$::src_dir dest_dir=$::dest_dir"
# Dump formatted stats names as header lines for a table.
set f1 "%8s" ;# format for category column
set f2 "%6s" ;# format for stat number column
set hdr1 [format $f1 "category"]
set hdr2 [format $f1 "========"]
foreach i $::stat_list {
# puts "i=$i"
set hdr1 "$hdr1 [format $f2 $i]"
set hdr2 "$hdr2 ======"
log_info "\n$hdr1\n$hdr2"
# Dump formatted stats on table with one row per category.
foreach i $::cat_list {
set line [format $f1 $i] ;# start line with category name
foreach j $::stat_list {
set x $::stats_array($i,$j)
set line "$line [format $f2 $x]"
# puts "i=$i j=$j x=$x"
if {$i == "total"} {
# Put visual break before total line.
log_info $hdr2
log_info $line
# Other info
log_info "\n$::subdir_cnt subdirectories, $::hidden_files_cnt hidden_files, $::hidden_subdir_cnt hidden_subdir, copy_opt=$::copy_opt"
log_info "$::curly_tot_cnt curly_brace_tot, $::curly_matched_pair_cnt matched, $::curly_open_only_cnt open, $::curly_close_only_cnt close, $::curly_error_cnt error"
log_info "TCL $::tcl_patchLevel, total time $total_min minutes \nsee $::out_file \nsee $::retry_file"
# Exit with error count.
exit $::error_cnt
#==================== compare_files ====================================
# Compares a specified source file to specified destination file
# Returns: OK, FAIL
proc compare_files {i src dest no_log category} {
# If necessary, convert / to \ for optional retry by fc.exe
set src2 $src
set dest2 $dest
# set ::compare_tool "fc.exe" ;# test code
# First we escape curly-braces
# if {[regexp {\{.*\}} $src]} {
# regsub -all "\{" $src2 "\\\{" src2 ;# Yes, 3 escapes, not 4!
# regsub -all "\}" $src2 "\\\}" src2 ;# Yes, 3 escapes, not 4!
# regsub -all "\{" $dest2 "\\\{" dest2 ;# Yes, 3 escapes, not 4!
# regsub -all "\}" $dest2 "\\\}" dest2 ;# Yes, 3 escapes, not 4!
# }
# Now covert / to \ Windows style.
regsub -all {/} $src2 {\\} src2
regsub -all {/} $dest2 {\\} dest2
# Finally, add double-quotes for case of embedded whitespace.
# No, this makes things worse...
# if {[regexp {\s} $src2]} {
# set src2 "\"$src2\""
# set dest2 "\"$dest2\""
# }
# log_info "compare_files i=$i src2=$src2 dest2=$dest2"
# Compare the files.
if {$::compare_tool == "fc.exe"} {
# fc.exe uses src2 / dest2 with windows path format
set catch_resp [catch "exec $::compare_tool {$src2} {$dest2}" catch_msg]
} else {
# diff.exe uses Unix path format
set catch_resp [catch "exec $::compare_tool {$src} {$dest}" catch_msg]
# If files compared OK, we are done.
# set catch_resp 1 ;# test code
if {$catch_resp == 0} {
log_info "compare_files i=$i $dest $::compare_tool compared (OK)" "true"
return "OK"
# For Windows & Program directories, compare again using fc.exe.
# Tried wrapping fc.exe inside .bat file, also run as cmd.exe /c fc.bat, no improvement.
set no_log [string trim $no_log]
if {$::compare_tool != "fc.exe" && [regexp -nocase {^[a-z]:/?(Windows|Program)} $src]} {
# See if fc.exe gives a different result.
log_info "compare_file retry with fc.exe i=$i src2=$src2 dest2=$dest2 compare_tool=$::compare_tool no_log=$no_log"
set catch_resp [catch "exec fc.exe {$src2} {$dest2}" catch_msg]
set catch_msg [truncate_msg $catch_msg] ;# limit the garbage dumped into the log file
log_info "fc.exe i=$i catch_resp=$catch_resp catch_msg=$catch_msg"
# set catch_resp 0 ;# test code
if {$catch_resp == 0} {
# Always show when fc retry succeeded, increment specific counters for this event.
log_info "compare_files i=$i $dest2 fc.exe retry compared (OK)"
incr ::stats_array(total,fcr)
incr ::stats_array($category,fcr)
return "OK"
# Deal with the error. The calling routine will suppress the first compare failure.
set status [get_status $catch_msg $no_log $category "diff"]
log_error "compare_files i=$i $dest $::compare_tool failed ($status $category)" $no_log
# log_info "$catch_msg" ;# shows actual file differences, really floods the log.
# Add this file to running list in DOS batch file for manual retry later on.
log_retry $i $src $dest $no_log
return "FAIL"
#==================== copy_file ========================================
# Copies specified source file to specified destination
# Returns: OK, FAIL
proc copy_file {i src dest dest_dir no_log category} {
# If copy not requested, return.
if {$::copy_opt == ""} {
# Return status FAIL signals the calling routine to move on.
# There are no stats counters to increment here.
return "FAIL"
# If necessary, create the required destination directory.
# TCL dirname has issue with unmatched close curly-brace, so we use the dest_dir
# that was passed to this routine
# log_info "copy_file i=$i src=$src dest=$dest dest_dir=$dest_dir"
if {![file isdirectory "$dest_dir"]} {
set catch_resp [catch "file mkdir {$dest_dir}" catch_msg]
# set catch_resp 1 ;# test code
# set catch_msg abcd ;# test code
if {$catch_resp == 0} {
# Always log directory creation.
log_info "copy_file i=$i created destination directory: $dest_dir (OK $category)"
} else {
# Always log the error.
set status [get_status $catch_msg "" $category]
log_error "copy_file i=$i could not create dest_dir=$dest_dir, $catch_msg ($status $category)"
# Increment the appropiate counters.
incr ::stats_array(total,cpyfl)
incr ::stats_array($category,cpyfl)
return "FAIL"
} else {
# puts "copy_file i=$i dest_dir=$dest_dir already exists, (OK $category)"
# Check if the source file is still there. There are a number of temporary folders,
# such as /Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download, also some Norton folders, where
# items may have been found earlier by rec_find, but the OS has quietly purged
# them by the time we actually get around to checking on them.
if {[file exists "$src"]} {
# puts "copy_file i=$i src=$src still exists, (OK $category)"
} else {
# Always log the error.
log_error "copy_file i=$i src=$src is now missing, (gone $category)"
incr ::stats_array(total,gone)
incr ::stats_array($category,gone)
return "FAIL"
# Copy the file. File names have largely been vetted for unmatched curly-braces.
set catch_resp [catch "file copy -force {$src} {$dest}" catch_msg]
# set catch_resp 1 ;# test code
# set catch_msg abcd ;# test code
if {$catch_resp == 0} {
log_info "copy_file i=$i copied $dest (OK $category)" $no_log
return "OK"
} else {
# Always log the error.
set status [get_status $catch_msg "" $category]
log_error "copy_file i=$i could not copy to $dest, $catch_msg ($status $category)"
incr ::stats_array(total,cpyfl)
incr ::stats_array($category,cpyfl)
return "FAIL"
#==================== fix_curly ========================================
# Attempts to work around known issues with missing curly brackets in
# path/file names
# Returns: string
proc fix_curly {path category} {
# NB: Initially, I had been converting / in pathnames to \ for the benefit
# of fc.exe. This appears to have created a lot of issues with TCL file copy.
# When the pathname looked like abc\def\\{1234}..., the open curly-brace looked
# like it was being escaped, when in reality it was a directory delimiter.
# NB: extra \ in pathname above is to work around TCL interpreter known issue of
# unmatched curly braces in comments inside a loop, yes comments inside a loop,
# choking up!!!
# Deal with single unmatched curly-brace. This does NOT handle case of a
# correctly matched pair of curly-braces followed by an unmatched curly-brace.
if {[regexp {(\{.*)} $path - x]} {
# Found open curly-brace
incr ::curly_tot_cnt
# log_info "main i=$i file=$file found open curly-brace x=$x"
# Check for matching close curly-brace AFTER the open curly-brace.
# This is done by checking $x, which starts with the open curly-brace.
if {[regexp {\}} $x]} {
# TCL file copy works with matched curly-braces in the filenames, no need to escape them.
incr ::curly_matched_pair_cnt
# log_info "fix_curly found matched pair curly-braces x=$x path=$path category=$category"
} else {
incr ::curly_open_only_cnt
regsub -all "\{" $path "\\\{" path ;# Yes, 3 escapes, not 4!
# log_info "fix_curly escaped unmatched open curly-brace path=$path category=$category"
} elseif {[regexp {\}} $path]} {
# There is no open curly-brace, but we found an unmatched close curly-brace
incr ::curly_tot_cnt
incr ::curly_close_only_cnt
regsub -all "\}" $path "\\\}" path ;# Yes, 3 escapes, not 4!
# log_info "fix_curly escaped unmatched close curly-brace path=$path category=$category"
# Return modified path
return $path
#==================== get_status =======================================
# Parses the error msg, determines the appropriate status code and
# increments the appropriate category counter.
# Returns: string
proc get_status {msg no_log category {tool ""}} {
# Look for selected error messages.
set status ""
set no_log [string trim $no_log]
set tool [string trim $tool]
# For tool=diff, use different counters.
if {$tool == "diff"} {
set status "diff"
if {$no_log == ""} {
incr ::stats_array(total,diff)
incr ::stats_array($category,diff)
} elseif {[regexp -nocase "permission.*denied" $msg]} {
set status "noacc"
if {$no_log == ""} {
incr ::stats_array($category,noacc)
incr ::stats_array(total,noacc)
} elseif {[regexp -nocase "brace" $msg]} {
set status "curly"
if {$no_log == ""} {
incr ::curly_error_cnt
incr ::stats_array($category,curly)
incr ::stats_array(total,curly)
} else {
# Catch all bucket.
set status "unexp"
if {$no_log == ""} {
incr ::stats_array($category,unexp)
incr ::stats_array(total,unexp)
return $status
#==================== log_error ========================================
# Displays error message right now, adds message to the log file,
# increments error counter.
# Optional no_log parameter can suppress messages in log_file. This
# allows you to stop flooding the log_file for known conditions.
proc log_error {msg {no_log ""}} {
# Prepend ERROR: & hand off to log_info
set msg "ERROR: $msg"
set no_log [string trim $no_log]
if {$no_log == ""} {
incr ::error_cnt
log_info $msg $no_log
# Test code
# if {$::error_cnt >= 100} {
# puts "\n\nToo many errors, stopping!"
# cleanup
# }
#==================== log_info =========================================
# Displays info message right now, adds message to the log file.
# Optional no_log parameter can suppress messages in log_file. This
# allows you to stop flooding the log_file for known conditions.
proc log_info {msg {no_log ""}} {
# Always display msg. Add "not logged" as appropriate.
set no_log [string trim $no_log]
if {$no_log != ""} {
set msg "$msg (NL)"
incr ::nolog_cnt
puts "$msg"
# Append msg to running log file, when it is available for use.
# no_log allows for suppressing repeated messages that flood the
# log_file and make it unreadable.
if {$::out != "" && $no_log == ""} {
puts $::out "$msg"
flush $::out
#==================== log_retry ========================================
# Appends data to retry_cfc.bat file so user can easily manually retry
# failed file compare operations.
proc log_retry {i src dest no_log} {
# For no_log not null, we are done
set no_log [string trim $no_log]
if {$no_log != ""} {
# Now covert / to \ Windows style.
regsub -all {/} $src {\\} src
regsub -all {/} $dest {\\} dest
# Add this file to running list in DOS batch file for manual retry later on.
puts $::retry "echo i=$i $src"
puts $::retry "fc.exe \"$src\" \"$dest\""
puts $::retry "echo i=$i $src"
puts $::retry "if '%tr%' == '1' pause"
flush $::retry
#==================== log_warning ======================================
# Appends specified WARNING msg to log file, displays msg on terminal.
# Optional no_log parameter can suppress messages in log_file. This
# allows you to stop flooding the log_file for known conditions.
proc log_warning {msg {no_log ""}} {
# Prepend WARNING: & handoff to log_info
set msg "WARNING: $msg"
set no_log [string trim $no_log]
if {$no_log == ""} {
incr ::warning_cnt
log_info $msg $no_log
#==================== rec_find =========================================
# Takes list of file in the specified directory and adds them to the
# global file list. Calls itself recursively for any subdirectories found.
proc rec_find {cur_dir} {
# If no directories specified, we are done.
set cur_dir [string trim $cur_dir]
# puts "rec_find start cur_dir=$cur_dir"
if {$cur_dir == ""} {
# More recent versions of TCL 8.6+ seem to need a trailing / on the directories.
# If not, rec_find will mess up and only get the subdirectories of pwd.
# Also need trailing / for case of whole mounted subdirectory.
# The setup routine ensures a single trailing / is present.
# Get the category for this directory.
set category [check_file_name $cur_dir]
# puts "rec_find start cur_dir=$cur_dir category=$category"
# Attempt to fix up known curly brace issues.
# It turns out that glob cant handle directory name with unmatched curly brace either.
# We allow the error to occur in order to make it more visible to the user.
# So any files in a directory with unmatched curly braces are NOT listed and processed.
# set cur_dir [fix_curly $cur_dir $category] ;# turned off so errors are NOT hidden!!!
# Find all files in the current directory that match the specified pattern.
# NB: You need to explicitly ask for hidden files as a separate glob request!
# NB: Some directories start with $ (eg: $Recycle.Bin) which can make the TCL
# interpreter think this is a variable. So put { } around $cur_dir to fix.
set current_files ""
set status ""
# log_info "rec_find(1) calling glob cur_dir=$cur_dir"
set catch_resp [catch "set current_files \[glob -nocomplain -type f -directory {$cur_dir} $::pattern\]" catch_msg]
# log_info "rec_find(1) return glob cur_dir=$cur_dir catch_resp=$catch_resp catch_msg=$catch_msg category=$category"
if {$catch_resp != 0} {
set status [get_status $catch_msg "" $category]
log_error "rec_find(1) $cur_dir $catch_msg ($status $category)"
set cnt_cf [llength $current_files]
# Testing has shown that when you cant access a directory list of files due to
# permission access issues or curly brace issues, you wont be able to get hidden file
# or directories either. So there is no point continuing onwards, getting the same
# error repeatedly.
if {$status == "noacc" || $status == "curly"} {
# Now get hidden files
set hidden_files ""
set catch_resp [catch "set hidden_files \[glob -nocomplain -type {f hidden} -directory {$cur_dir} $::pattern\]" catch_msg]
if {$catch_resp != 0} {
set status [get_status $catch_msg "" $category]
log_error "rec_find(2) $cur_dir $catch_msg ($status $category)"
set cnt_hf [llength $hidden_files]
incr ::hidden_files_cnt $cnt_hf
# if {$hidden_files != ""} {
# log_info "\nrec_find cur_dir=$cur_dir \ncnt=$cnt_cf current_files=$current_files \ncnt=$cnt_hf hidden_files=$hidden_files"
# }
# Get sorted unique list of all files
set sorted_files [lsort -unique "$current_files $hidden_files"]
set cnt_sf [llength $sorted_files]
# log_info "rec_find cur_dir=$cur_dir cnt_sf=$cnt_sf"
# Save each file as a seperate element in file_array. This avoids issues
# with long lists and mismatched curly braces for filenames that have
# embedded spaces or curly braces in them
foreach file $sorted_files {
set cnt_tot $::stats_array(total,found)
incr cnt_tot
set ::stats_array(total,found) $cnt_tot
set ::file_array($cnt_tot) $file ;# NB: This is the full file pathname!
if {$cnt_tot % 1000 == 0} {
log_info "rec_find i=$cnt_tot file=$file ($category)" "true"
# log_info "rec_find i=$cnt_tot file=$file ($category)" "true"
set category [check_file_name $file]
incr ::stats_array($category,found)
# Find all subdirectories at this level.
set current_subdir ""
set catch_resp [catch "set current_subdir \[glob -nocomplain -type d -directory {$cur_dir} *\]" catch_msg]
if {$catch_resp != 0} {
set status [get_status $catch_msg "" $category]
log_error "rec_find(3) $cur_dir $catch_msg ($status $category)"
set cnt_csd [llength $current_subdir]
# You need to explicitly ask for hidden directories
set hidden_subdir ""
set catch_resp [catch "set hidden_subdir \[glob -nocomplain -type {d hidden} -directory {$cur_dir} *\]" catch_msg]
if {$catch_resp != 0} {
set status [get_status $catch_msg "" $category]
log_error "rec_find(4) $cur_dir $catch_msg ($status $category)"
set cnt_hsd [llength $hidden_subdir]
incr ::hidden_subdir_cnt $cnt_hsd
# if {$hidden_subdir != ""} {
# log_info "\nrec_find cur_dir=$cur_dir \ncnt=$cnt_csd current_subdir=$current_subdir \ncnt=$cnt_hsd hidden_subdir=$hidden_subdir"
# }
# Get sorted unique list of all subdirectories
set sorted_subdir [lsort -unique "$current_subdir $hidden_subdir"]
set cnt_ssd [llength $sorted_subdir]
# log_info "rec_find cur_dir=$cur_dir cnt_ssd=$cnt_ssd"
# Call ourselves recursively for each subdirectory.
foreach dir $sorted_subdir {
incr ::subdir_cnt
# puts "calling rec_find cur_dir=$cur_dir next subdir dir=$dir"
rec_find "$dir"
#==================== setup ============================================
# Does basic initialization, gives online help if needed.
proc setup { } {
# Initialize global counters
set ::curly_close_only_cnt 0
set ::curly_error_cnt 0
set ::curly_matched_pair_cnt 0
set ::curly_open_only_cnt 0
set ::curly_tot_cnt 0
set ::copy_opt "" ;# null value used to control optional logging of events.
set ::error_cnt 0
set ::hidden_files_cnt 0
set ::hidden_subdir_cnt 0
set ::nolog_cnt 0
set ::out "" ;# log file is not available yet
set ::subdir_cnt 0
set ::warning_cnt 0
# Set up global stats array, indexed by category & statistic name.
# NB: The order of the items in these lists determines the data table
# order of the rows and columns displayed by the exit cleanup routine.
set ::cat_list "windows norton other total"
set ::stat_list "noacc found miss diff repr cpyfl gone curly unexp fcr"
foreach i $::cat_list {
foreach j $::stat_list {
set ::stats_array($i,$j) 0
set x $::stats_array($i,$j)
# puts "stats_array i=$i j=$j x=$x"
# Give online help if necessary
set ::self [file tail $::argv0]
set x [lindex $::argv 0]
set x [string tolower $x]
set x [string range $x 0 1]
if {$x == "-h" || $x == "/?"} {
puts "Basic Usage: tclsh $::self \[pattern\] \[src_dir\] \[dest_dir\] <-copy>"
puts " "
puts "Utility recursively gets list of all files in the src_dir"
puts "directory that match the specified \[pattern\]. Files are compared"
puts "to same file name in the \[dest_dir\] using diff.exe or fc.exe."
puts " "
puts "Use pattern \"*\" to compare all files."
puts "Use pattern \"*.jpeg\" to compare only .jpg files."
puts " "
puts "Optional <-copy> will copy missing or overwrite different files in"
puts "the \[destination_directory\]."
exit 1
# Save start time, in seconds.
set ::start_sec [clock seconds]
# Check for 3 required command line tokens
if {$::argc < 3} {
log_error "Must specify minimum 3 command line tokens! \nFor more info, type: tclsh $::self -h"
exit 1
# Get 3 required command line parms.
regsub -all {\\} $::argv {/} ::argv ;# convert \ for windows filesystem to /
set ::pattern [lindex $::argv 0]
set ::src_dir [lindex $::argv 1]
if {[regexp {^\.} $::src_dir]} {
regsub {^\.} $::src_dir [pwd] ::src_dir ;# convert relative path to full path
set ::dest_dir [lindex $::argv 2]
if {[regexp {^\.} $::dest_dir]} {
regsub {^\.} $::dest_dir [pwd] ::dest_dir ;# convert relative path to full path
# More recent versions of TCL 8.6+ seem to need a single trailing / on the directories.
# If not, rec_find calls to glob will mess up and only get the subdirectories of pwd.
# Also need trailing / for case of whole mounted subdirectory.
set ::src_dir "${::src_dir}/"
set ::dest_dir "${::dest_dir}/"
# Convert multiple repeated / in directories to a single /.
# NB: The extra / royally messed up destination file path computations made in main program loop.
# The leading charactar of each directory got lost, causing each directory to be recopied with
# the wrong name, filled up the destination disk.
# NB: For the case of temporary network mounts in the form of //host/directory, we MUST preserve
# the leading //. This is why we start the regsub pattern matching after the first 2 characters!
regsub -start 2 -all {/+} $::src_dir {/} ::src_dir
regsub -start 2 -all {/+} $::dest_dir {/} ::dest_dir
# Needed in main program loop for computing correct destination directory
set ::src_dir_len [string length $::src_dir]
# Check for optional -copy token.
if {$::argc >= 4} {
set y [lindex $::argv 3]
set y [string tolower $y]
if {$y == "-copy"} {
set ::copy_opt "true"
} else {
log_error "Invalid option: $y ! \nFor more info, type: tclsh $::self -h"
exit 1
# Choose directory for log file & retry batch file based on known options of different OS.
# NB: Windows admin user usually doesnt have HOMEPATH defined, but does have USERPROFILE.
if {[info exists ::env(HOMEPATH)]} {
set out_path $::env(HOMEPATH) ;# Windows first choice
} elseif {[info exists ::env(USERPROFILE)]} {
set out_path $::env(USERPROFILE) ;# Windows second choice, often needed by admin
} elseif {[info exists ::env(HOME)]} {
set out_path $::env(HOME) ;# Linux default
} else {
set out_path "[pwd]"
regsub -all {\\} $out_path {/} out_path ;# convert \ for windows filesystem to /
# Choose log file name.
set log_fn [file root $::self]
set ::out_file "$out_path/$log_fn.log"
# Open running log file for append.
set catch_resp [catch "set ::out \[open \"$::out_file\" a\]" catch_msg]
if {$catch_resp != 0} {
log_error "Could not open $::out_file catch_msg=$catch_msg"
exit 1
# puts "out_path=$out_path out_file=$::out_file out=$::out"
# Choose error retry DOS batch file name.
set retry_fn "retry_fc"
set ::retry_file "$out_path/$retry_fn.bat"
# Open running error retry DOS batch file for append.
set catch_resp [catch "set ::retry \[open \"$::retry_file\" a\]" catch_msg]
if {$catch_resp != 0} {
log_error "Could not open $::retry_file catch_msg=$catch_msg"
exit 1
# puts "out_path=$out_path retry_file=$::retry_file retry=$::retry"
# Log start date/time, calling parms.
set ts [timestamp]
log_info "\n$ts $::self starting pattern=$::pattern\
\nsrc_dir=$::src_dir dest_dir=$::dest_dir copy_opt=$::copy_opt\
\nsee: $::out_file \nsee$::retry_file"
# Add header to retry DOS batch file.
puts $::retry "\n\n@echo off\necho.\necho.\necho $ts issues from $::self"
flush $::retry
# Check source directory exists.
if {![file isdirectory "$::src_dir"]} {
log_error "src_dir=$::src_dir not found!"
exit 1
# Check destination directory exists.
if {![file isdirectory "$::dest_dir"]} {
log_error "dest_dir=$::dest_dir not found!"
exit 1
# Are src_dir & dest_dir the same? We allow this for self-test, but warn user.
if {[string tolower $::src_dir] == [string tolower $::dest_dir]} {
log_warning "$::self setup src_dir EQ dest_dir $::src_dir !"
log_warning "Hopefully you are doing a self-test here?"
log_warning "All files MUST be identical in this case!"
# Choose compare_tool. If tkdiff suite is not available, then use fc.exe.
set ::compare_tool "diff.exe"
set catch_resp [catch "exec $::compare_tool --help" catch_msg]
if {$catch_resp == 0} {
# diff.exe give rc=0 on help msg.
log_info "$::compare_tool is present (OK)"
} else {
# Look at error msg. If diff.exe not found, switch to fc.exe.
if {[regexp "couldn.t.*execute.*no.*such.*file" $catch_msg]} {
log_info "$::compare_tool does not appear to be installed: $catch_msg"
set ::compare_tool "fc.exe"
log_warning "Default tool $::compare_tool is known to lockup on large runs"
} else {
log_error "$::compare_tool unexpected response: $catch_msg"
#==================== timestamp ========================================
# Returns current date & time formatted as: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM
proc timestamp { } {
return [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"]
#==================== truncate_msg =====================================
# Truncates a msg string to limit how much garbage gets dumped into the
# log file.
# Returns: string
proc truncate_msg {msg} {
# Define max length of msg to return.
set max_len 300
# Get length of msg.
set len [string length $msg]
# Do we need to truncate the msg?
if {$len <= $max_len} {
return $msg
} else {
set len $max_len
set msg [string range $msg 0 $len]
# log_info "truncate_msg len=$len msg=$msg"
return $msg
#==================== Main program =====================================
# Main program
# Initialization, give help if needed.
# Test code
# log_info "copied file afdfsdf"
# log_info "should not be logged" "no_log"
# log_error "fsdf sf sf sf sd "
# log_error "error should not be logged" "no_log"
# log_warning "test warn"
# log_warning "warning should not be logged" "no_log"
# cleanup
# Recursively get all files that match the desired pattern.
rec_find "$src_dir"
log_info "[timestamp] main found $::stats_array(total,found) files, $subdir_cnt subdirectories,\
$error_cnt errors, $::stats_array(total,noacc) noacc \nsee $out_file \nsee$::retry_file"
# Compare source file with corresponding file in destination_directory.
# When copy_opt=true, copy missing files, recopy different files and compare again.
for {set i 1} {$i <= $stats_array(total,found)} {incr i} {
# Get the source file full path name & src_subdir.
set src_path $file_array($i) ;# NB: file full source path name is in file_array!
set src_subdir [file dirname "$src_path"]
if {![regexp {/$} $src_subdir]} {
set src_subdir "${src_subdir}/" ;# add trailing / if missing
set src_file [file tail $src_path]
# Check if this file is one of the constantly changing Windows or Norton files.
# This category is used to classify error messages with separate statistic counts,
# resulting in a much more comprehensible log.
set category [check_file_name $src_path]
set category [string trim $category]
# TCL dirname has issue with unmatched escaped close curly-brace, so save dest_subdir here
# before we escape the curly-braces.
# regsub messes up when directory names have embedded spaces
# set dest_subdir ""
# regsub "$src_dir" "$src_subdir" "$dest_dir" dest_subdir ;# doesnt always work!
# puts "regsub: dest_subdir=$dest_subdir"
# So we use string range to correctly get dest_subdir
set dest_subdir [string range $src_subdir $src_dir_len end]
set dest_subdir "${dest_dir}${dest_subdir}" ;# dont need to insert /
# Set the destination file full path name.
set dest_path "${dest_subdir}${src_file}" ;# dont need to insert /
# Attempt to fix up known curly brace issues.
set src_path [fix_curly $src_path $category]
set dest_path [fix_curly $dest_path $category]
# log_info "main i=$i src_path=$src_path src_subdir=$src_subdir src_file=$src_file \
# dest_subdir=$dest_subdir dest_path=$dest_path category=$category"
# Watch for src_path EQ dest_path. Error vs Warning response depends on
# what user specified for src_dir & dest_dir. We keep processing this
# file, regardless.
# set dest_path $src_path ;# test code
if {[string tolower $src_path] == [string tolower $dest_path]} {
if {[string tolower $src_dir] == [string tolower $dest_dir]} {
log_warning "main i=$i src_path EQ dest_path $src_path, src_dir EQ dest_dir $src_dir, presumably this is a self-test, all files MUST be identical!"
} else {
log_error "main i=$i src_path EQ dest_path $src_path, BUT src_dir=$src_dir NE dest_dir=$dest_dir, something went seriously wrong! (unexp $category)"
incr stats_array(total,unexp)
incr ::stats_array($category,unexp)
# Check if destination file exists, copy if requested.
set repair "no"
if {[file exists "$dest_path"]} {
log_info "main i=$i $dest_path found (OK $category)" "true"
} else {
log_error "main i=$i dest_path=$dest_path NOT found (missing $category)" $copy_opt
# Always count missing files. These stats help explain what we really did.
incr stats_array(total,miss)
incr stats_array($category,miss)
# If requested, copy the file. File copy success is NOT logged, as
# we will keep processing this file. However, file copy error is always
# logged, as this will be the last thing we do for this file.
set rc [copy_file $i "$src_path" "$dest_path" "$dest_subdir" $copy_opt $category]
if {$rc == "OK"} {
# File was successfully copied.
set repair "yes" ;# shows we are attempting to repair file
} else {
# If copy_opt was null, then we did NOT try to copy the file, and
# we move on to the next file, perfectly normal occurance.
# If copy_opt was true, we tried and failed to copy this file.
# The copy error is logged, and we move on to the next file.
# Compare src & dest files. The first compare error can be suppressed
# when copy_opt is true.
set rc [compare_files $i "$src_path" "$dest_path" $copy_opt $category]
if {$rc == "OK"} {
# Are we trying to repair this file?
if {$repair == "yes"} {
# Repairs are complete.
incr stats_array(total,repr)
incr stats_array($category,repr)
log_info "main i=$i repair(1) succeeded $dest_path (OK $category)"
# Processing this file is all done.
} else {
# Files are different. Do we copy and compare again?
if {$::copy_opt != ""} {
set rc [copy_file $i "$src_path" "$dest_path" "$dest_subdir" $copy_opt $category]
if {$rc != "OK"} {
# We tried and failed to copy this file. Copy error will always be logged.
# First compare failed, so add this file to running list in DOS batch file for manual retry later on.
log_retry $i $src_path $dest_path ""
# One last try at comparing these files. At this point, we always log
# the compare errors.
set rc [compare_files $i "$src_path" "$dest_path" "" $category]
if {$rc == "OK"} {
incr stats_array(total,repr)
incr stats_array($category,repr)
log_info "main i=$i repair(2) succeeded $dest_path (OK $category)"
# Cleanup routine